WOW Gold ? Cheapest

19 Dec 2005
Server: WOWEU - Anachronos
Class Horde
Character Undeaded Warrior

So far i have found these for the cost in GBP

Gold 10000+2000 £239.39
Gold 5000+1000 £119.96
Gold 3000+600 £72.55
Gold 2000+400 £48.61
Gold 1000+200 £24.41
Gold 800+160 £20.26
Gold 500+100 £13.07
Gold 300+60 £7.76
Gold 200+40 £5.77

any one else fine any where cheaper and for what?
Yep, totally illegal but you'd probably get away with it. I read something about ebay removing all the gold selling sites due to some copyright reason as well.
Shortly before I quit and got bored, I bought 10k for £7, I see the economy is strengthening now, lol
firthy15 said:
Buying gold is pathetic and ruins the game for everyone else...


True, and false in the same sentence :)

Twinking ruins the game for (some) other people (but you don't need to buy gold to finance one). Gold farmers are annoying, bots even more so, but there are ways to deal with them if you're bored.

But saying it ruins the game for everyone is ... well I don't agree.

If you wanted to buy gold for an epic flying mount or something then that's for the individual to decide. 5000g for the riding skill is ridiculous. I wouldn't imagine most players can dedicate long enough to farm/grind that much ever. Even with TBC's much nicer drops.

Not something I would do, but I wouldn't stop anyone wasting their money on it if they feel like it.
It is most certainly NOT illegal.

You are paying for somebody else to spend the time accumulating cash for you. There is nothing illegal about it, it's not against the ToU, it's fine. You can't buy the gold itself, just someone elses time.

It wont make you popular though, people tend to hate gold farmers.
bloomin hell,

Thats it, im quitting my daytime job and becoming a farmer ;) lol and i dont mean driving around in a John Deer lol

Looks like gold prices have gone up in game, i know my nephew bought some a long time back and it was about £15 for 2000g
hahaha, really, hahahahaha amazes me that any sane person would pay nearly £250 for 'nothing' cause thats all it is ...
seriously, uninstall it and make some friends
Gold buying is just lame and should lead to a ban.

Yes 5000 gold for fast flying mount is a lot of money, but its not that hard to get. I have probably spent about 10k gold since TBC came out. On the mounts, rep with scryers and tailoring mats.

Basically all I have done is do a lot of the quests left at 70 and selling stuff on the AH, I currently have about 1k gold in cash and I don't even play that many hours per day but I can easily make 200g in an evening on ores alone.

Please don't keep these company in business by buying there gold, and actually work to get something makes it more satisfying than just takign the easy option.

Ohh by the way a fast flying mount basically pays for it self if you have any kind of gathering skill as you move around so much faster that you get lots more mats in a short period of time.
I don't play WoW anymore (I only played for 3months when it was released), but I'm amazed that people will pay real money for ingame stuff.

I have heard loads of people have been banned for this, where they have bought Gold from someone on ebay and the gold was sent ingame (obv blizzard tracked this 10,000Gold transfer).
They got banned because it is against the EULA.
Helium_Junkie said:
It is most certainly NOT illegal.

You are paying for somebody else to spend the time accumulating cash for you. There is nothing illegal about it, it's not against the ToU, it's fine. You can't buy the gold itself, just someone elses time.

It wont make you popular though, people tend to hate gold farmers.

Selling gold certainly IS illegal and accounts are banned. As you cant do one without the other, that would pretty much make buying it illegal to, although I have n't read of people getting banned for buying.
Jono said:
True, and false in the same sentence :)

Twinking ruins the game for (some) other people (but you don't need to buy gold to finance one). Gold farmers are annoying, bots even more so, but there are ways to deal with them if you're bored.

But saying it ruins the game for everyone is ... well I don't agree.

If you wanted to buy gold for an epic flying mount or something then that's for the individual to decide. 5000g for the riding skill is ridiculous. I wouldn't imagine most players can dedicate long enough to farm/grind that much ever. Even with TBC's much nicer drops.

Not something I would do, but I wouldn't stop anyone wasting their money on it if they feel like it.

5000g is a lot but I've made up to 200g during a sitting before. Sundays are the best day for making money since everyone is usually playing and spending money. There are easy ways to make money, especially in the mining and cooking business. Nobody needs to buy gold. Takes all the fun out of it.
Jumping said:
I can easily make 200g in an evening on ores alone.

So true. People pay crazy money for ores. Highest I ever sold 20 copper ores....11g :eek: Took me 5min to gather. Prices during the week is quite low. Weekends is where the money is.
It might be against the EULA but its certainly not illegal ;) End of the day, if Blizzard didn't want people to buy gold they wouldn't make things like mounts cost so much, or wouldn't make farming gold such an utterly tedious exercise :(

Way I see it, I pay my £9 a month to have fun, not to go through the motions doing repetitive tasks for hours when I can pay someone else to do it for me ;)

Cheapest I've found for my server:

Gold 500 $17.59
Gold 1,000 $33.29
Gold 1,500 $48.30
Gold 2,000 $63.15
Gold 3,000 $93.35
Gold 4,000 $122.90
Gold 5,000 $151.99
Gold 6,000 $180.89
Gold 7,000 $209.75
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