wozza2k's pursuit of vanity

Session was right after physio session, stupidly didn't film any of my sets (admittedly it was busy as hell randomly). Physio said my shoulder was generally moving very well but I just have tight spots (mainly pecs and traps) which maybe impacting things, she did however tape me up in the hope I'll keep my shoulder in a better position.

Squats generally felt ok, just annoyed I didn't film to properly review things.

Bench struggled with 4/5th set and not really sure why.

Rows felt good, experimenting with a more lower position (more parallel to the ground).

Bar 10
60 8
80 5
100 3 x 5
105 3 x 3

40 8 5
50 5
60 5
65 5 5 5 4 4

40 10 10
50 5 5
60 5 x 5
Its hard to explain. Look up things like first and second pull.

I'v been reading the guide to deadlifting on the strong lifts website all morning/afternoon at work, it makes sense when I'm reading it but when I do it I just go bleugh! :D

There are some free slo-mo apps for your favourite phone OS that let you slow down videos - that really helps me see what's going on. On that note, I must record myself again and see how form is holding up!

Do it, everyone need to go full handsome on video and I'm sure there is a slo-mo function already built in on my phone... Need to investigate

You are lifting with your back: watch the beginning of your movement on the third rep of the last vid and you will see some flex in your lumbar, indicating all is not right.

Sink your hips down a smidge lower, try and point your bum up at the ceiling, big chest/chest up/whatever and heels.

I am the biggest hypocrite, mind, because I deadlift with only slightly bent legs (can no longer be bothered), so feel free to ignore. :o

I guess part of it, is lack of mobility or I don't feel secure dropping lower as I've always set up with high hips (not saying its right). I'll tinker about this week and see how it goes.
Squats felt comfortable, deads not so much, BSS wiped me out. That is all.

60 8 5
80 5
100 5 5
105 3 x 5

60 5 5
80 5
100 5
120 5
130 2

BSS 12kg KB
4 x 5
Body wasn't coping with squats today, legs felt especially tight and didn't like the movement in general which is probably a result of sitting down more than usual due to studies.

Bench felt ok surprisingly...

Deads stupidly didn't film but felt good and slowly get a hang of the '2 part' process of drawing out the slack then initialing the pull whilst keeping the hips from raising (I bet it doesn't look like how I've described when filmed...)

Finished off with a lot of sled push work which reallllllllly set my quads on fire and gave me a horrid pump

60 3 x 5
80 5 5
100 5 x 3

40 10
50 5
60 5
65 5 x 5

65 5 5
80 5
100 5
130 3 3
140 3 x 1

Sled push
Still struggling with balance on the BSS especially on the right leg, not sure whether thats the ankle mobility messing about with things.

Bench felt comfortable which was surprising, rows I need to work on more...

40 10 10
50 5 5
60 5 x 5

Bar 10
40 10
50 10
60 5
67.5 5 x 5

BSS with 12kg KBs
5 x 5

Pull ups
5 5 3 4 2
So after whining like a little kitten about whether I should carry on with OHPs I did them tonight with strangely no/minimal pain so I guess I'll keep them in but keep the weight conservative and work on mobility etc.

Squats felt good but a slight grind so will work on negatives, same with deads will have to slow down the negatives.

Was too tired after all that to do BSS...

Bar 10
60 10 8
80 5
100 5 5
110 3 x 5

60 3 x 5
80 5 5
100 5
120 4
140 1
130 3 1 1
120 3

Bar 10
30 5 5
35 5 x 5
Really struggled to pull 130 on deads tonight :( but everything else felt ok. Still a little work needed on the balance with BSS but generally it was ok.

60 8 5
80 5 5
100 5
120 5
130 1 1 1 1 1
120 3 3

Bar 10 10
30 8 8
35 5 x 5

BSS - Single KB
12kg 5
16kg 4 x 5
20kg 2 x 8

Pull ups
8 8 7 3
Need to do more volume work with squats I think, I seem to struggle once I get to the 4th rep even on warmup sets, the 10 @ 60kg was sheer determination.

Been messing about with banded shoulder work a lot recently and just generally a lot more maintenance work and it seems to have paid dividends, with bench tonight at 70kg being very comfortable.

Added dips into the program which admittedly I struggled with but I guess thats to be expected when I've never played with the movement before.

60 5 10 5
80 5 5
100 5
105 3 x 5
110 3

Bar 10
40 10
50 8
60 5
70 5 5 3 3 3

40 8 8
50 5 5
60 5 x 5

5 x 5
Switched up the sessions as going to deadlift tomorrow.

Squats I'm happy to be progressing but need to get a video up to see whether I'm still wonky on the setup.

On bench shoulder and pec felt quite tight, not really sure whether thats because the last session was a bench session, will smash that out next few days and over the weekend.

Row I'm kept the weight the same to really slow the movement down and get the movement better which seems to hit the lats more.

Dips were a struggle, I think I'm lacking shoulder stability along with various other bits, will read through K.Stars book re dips and see what I can do to improve that.

60 8 8
80 8 5
100 3 x 5
110 5 5 3

Bar 10
40 8 5
50 5
60 5
70 5 5 5 4 5

40 10 10
50 10 8
60 5 x 5

4 5 6

Face pulls
Bit of focus on deads tonight, messed about with the trap bar as well which was a much better movement to me than traditional deads so looking into working that into the routine somehow.

Not sure what the hell happened with the pull ups as I get an extra rep out with each set, I ideally need to mix up the grips and go wider to build that stable base.

60 5 5
80 5 5
100 5 5
120 5
130 3
140 3 1 2 1 1

Trap bar DL
100 1 5 4

30 8 8 5
35 5 x 5

Pull ups
6 7 8

Sled push
25kg 2 x 20m
50kg 2 x 20m
60kg 2 x 20m
70kg 2 x 20m
Happy with tonight's session, managed to get 115kg on squats after the 3 x 5, then on bench managed to get 5 x 5 (although I did get befriended by a full bro who thought I should put on more weight and let him spot me/upright row it).

60 10 8
80 5
100 5
110 3 x 5
115 3

40 10 10
50 8 8
60 5 x 5

40 10
50 10
60 5
70 5 x 5

5 5 6

Sled push
25 x 20m
45 x 20m
60 x 3 x 20m
After last nights successful session, I had a really turd session tonight :( Just couldn't grip the bar properly on deads at all (will look into getting some chalk in the future).

After OHP I just couldn't face doing BSS or Pull ups, generally just meh

60 8 5
80 5
100 5
120 5
140 1 1 1 1
130 2 1
120 3 2 1

Trap bar
100 5 5
110 5 5 5

Bar 10 10
30 8 5
35 5 x 5
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