Wrath of Man - Jason Statham

This was so much better than the trailers made me think it would be.

Indeed, loved it, ******* brilliant, funny in places: "what did you say?" "suck your own ****" "BANG"

Nice twists and turns, 9/10 from me. There is upcoming untitled Guy Ritchie and Statham and Hartnett project too: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7985704/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_3

The mans still got it as a director and producer.
Absolutely brilliant, thought it was going to be your normal mainstream Stratham movie but it was much more. Well thought out and executed with Guy Ritchie precision. He has definitely still got it for the dramatics. Easily 9/10 and one the films of the year for me.
Better than I thought it would be. Need to watch it again to take it in , the twists weren’t too surprising but it was fun enough.

7/10 from me, really enjoyed it, felt it was more a Statham movie than a Ritchie movie. I paired it with "Nobody" - what a fun evening that was :cry:
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