Was standing in the queue at a well-known supermarket when he felt a thud. Upon inspection of the floor he found, quite embarrassingly, that his penis had fallen off. He looked around quickly before inconspicuously trying to tie his shoe and clench his detached phallus simultaneously. Unfortunately the timing was off, and an old lady named Madge clocked him cocking his shotgun and began repeatedly hitting him over the head with her vintage Burberry purse. Filled with shame and remorse the above poster fled the supermarket in shame, only to be stopped by two security guards for an alleged cucumber theft. Further sinking into a slum of depression the above poster tried his hardest to explain the situation that had fallen upon him. Unfortunately for him, Bob (the older of the two security guards) had been having a bad day, and was sick of his assumed lies. Bob forced the above poster to reveal the contents of his pocket, where Bob would find what looked like the most life-like rampant rabbit shaft he'd ever seen. Bob explained to the above poster that the item in question would need to be confiscated and checked against their stock in the store, much to the dismay of the poster above.
To this day the above poster has never received his manhood back, whilst reports of Bob becoming a multi-millionaire with a new line of cloned penis synthetics for sexual pleasure have been splashed across news sites around the globe.