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WTF! - Intel reveals pay extra to use Xeon features

They've done this before with the Pentium G6951, pay an extras $50 to unlock hyper-threading and 1MB extra L3 cache.
surely it's better than hardware sabotage like now?

remember back in the day when people were reconnecting parts of the CPU by literally drawing a pencil line on the actual chip?
AMD Athlon processors using Slot-A motherboards were the company's first multiplier-locked parts. The processors had their L1 bridges lasered off to prevent users from changing the chip's clock multiplier. This was at least partially done in response to shady computer shops who were overclocking processors and reselling them as faster models.

But of course, it wasn't long before enterprising enthusiasts learned that by reconnecting the L1 bridges with the graphite in a #2 pencil or anything else that was conductive enough, you could regain access to the processor's multiplier settings in the system BIOS, completing factory-destroyed circuits, and opening the door to some free speed.

This process became more challenging as AMD switched from manufacturing ceramic chips to a PCB material. The laser cut pits into the PCB that required more than just a pencil to fill in,

ahh it was AMD chips what a scummy company
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errr this is not good.
Isn't it?

Intel have been artificially limiting chips for years - various features have been SKU specific, when in reality all were capable:
  • SGX Enclave Size
  • UPI Links
  • UPI Speed
  • DDR4 Speed
  • Intel Optane PMem 200 Support
The difference being now, if you want to use the feature at a later date, you have the option to "upgrade" without paying full price for a processor that supports the feature you need, and don't have to physically swap CPU to do it.

Reducing artificial segmentation by reducing the number of different SKUs should at least improve product availability

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