WWDC XIII Event. Tonight 6pm

Yeah its features like that which will allow me to use my device more for secure things.

I've had 1password for ages, and whilst its amazing having desktop and mobile sync, it can be a ballache to browse to a site on a friends pc or work computer and NOT know your password or have to log on to another site in order to copy the password.

Other than that, it's great. I'll ditch 1password for iCloud if the features are there.
I just couldn't help think it was more of a case of iOS playing catchup whilst I was watching it. Take 'control centre' for instance. I had 'SBSettings' on my 3GS!

On the flip side, there is no doubt it looks a lot better.
I've had 1password for ages, and whilst its amazing having desktop and mobile sync, it can be a ballache to browse to a site on a friends pc or work computer and NOT know your password or have to log on to another site in order to copy the password.

Other than that, it's great. I'll ditch 1password for iCloud if the features are there.

Totally agree - The guys at Agile have spent faaaar too long trying to incorporate iCloud into 1Password - I'd be very happy to use the keychain as long as it works as advertised :)

With regards to UDID registration - didn't they clamp down on this?
iOS6 didn't require a UDID for any of the betas, iOS5 however did for all of them. So how iOS7 will work is unknown
iOS 7 looks fantastic, as does OS X Sea Lion (which is what it will always be in my heart).

The only feature I desperately wanted that they haven't included is multi-user support for iPads. I guess they'd prefer it if everyone in a household had their own iPad :/
I think the rumours for different coloured iPhones will prove correct... The design of iOS lends itself to coloured phones... If it doesn't happen I'll eat my hat!
I think iCloud Keychain will save me £30 in the face 1Password wants £30 off me to upgrade both my iOS and OS X apps.

Will be upgrading, as I always do.

As for Mac Pro... well disappointing but not unsurprising it is the future after all.

Kinda buggers me up for my upgrade path though.
Just wait until Android implements it and 6 months after it'll be Apple introducting it as a revolutionary new feature changing everything again on mobile UIs :p

I doubt they will but if they do I am sure it will be magical... :)

This is the stupidest comment in this thread.

Do I win a prize? :) See below, I was having a laugh... (but Android 4.2 does lag on my Nexus 4 :p )

Such a joker :D

I wonder how long it will take for Apple to catch up with all the new features that will be introduced in KLP :P

Well competition is good.
If anyone can register my UDID as well that would be awesome.

I had a dev account last year and registered a few people here but let my account lapse and haven't got back to renewing it yet :(

Back on topic I think iOS7 looks brilliant, they have taken a lot of the jailbreak tweaks and put them into it. Saw SBSettings, NC blurred background, Auxo to an extent!

Didn't see much change for 10.9 though, going to read up more on that. The MBA battery life claims are amazing which was expected as thats what Haswell is really pushing forward

EDIT: Just clicked onto the Mac Pro on Apples site, that is stunning!
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