WWE Supercard


My Survivor Fusion hatched today, was looking at my RTG setup and have 2 Survivor cards that aren't trained up in there, was hoping to land a Superstar card in the Fusion pack, or at worst Nikki...

Classie F'n Freddie Blassie :( +24 to all stats on deck is nice, but I really needed a higher end card!
Why is it that some pro cards have higher stats than others? I've always maxed out my regular cards before 'pro'ing' them and yet every now and again I see people with higher stats on the same card as mine :confused:
Why is it that some pro cards have higher stats than others? I've always maxed out my regular cards before 'pro'ing' them and yet every now and again I see people with higher stats on the same card as mine :confused:

They'll probably have a stat boost on, or their own boost (The +X/+X) has procced.

60 points needed for the first of the 2 RTG John Cenas, I think I'll make do with the one tonight, last time grinding +2 for Nikki was a joke!
I had to grind fom 65 points to get piper....
Even though I had great cards to win matches it keeps throwing my worse cards all in a row so I would be down 5 nil in around two rounds........

Pulled a second leg Bastia to make a pair. Both where pulls this week which is rare as hens teeth lol and my second SV fusion is in the tank
RTG Dean Ambrose this week.
I can get my first SV pro and Wyatt is my fav wrestler atm :)

wrestlemania tier leaked. I think it's far to soon for a new tier :/
Yep, I'll have a Pro Wyatt this week too, to go with my Pro Sheamus, RTG Sting & Natalya :D

Managed to pull Fusion Ambrose on Saturday, but with me getting more and more SV cards and Pros now, he'll be sitting around a lot waiting to be Pro'd until I get a 2nd!

Typical though with WM tier, just as I am getting into Survivor and starting to make an impact, its like a sped up version of WoW with new card levels!
Meh I'm so far behind you guys :p I only had one legendary card up until the last RTG and in the past 2 week I managed to get 2 leg miz, 2 leg hogan, leg brie and my first survivor card which was Rick flair.
I was hoping to get a survivor card from this weeks peoples champion but I'm struggling to move up the leaderboards. I'm currently sat at 3470 but it's so slow moving up the rankings now :(
I was hoping to get a survivor card from this weeks peoples champion but I'm struggling to move up the leaderboards. I'm currently sat at 3470 but it's so slow moving up the rankings now :(

Gees I have never gotten that high!!

I heard they made a this the hardest PC yet
I win around 60-70% of the +5 games. I'm hoping to get under 3500 as I will get 2 legendary takers or wyatts.
It will be taker.

I got the Bret wrestlemania pro last weekend :)

Really need to pro one of my SV divas to start making progress a lot more easier.
Nice. I only have 3 SV cards and a few lg pros. I start to get a bit bored of it and then the game gives me a decent card and I become addicted again :D
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