WWE Supercard

Swipe across when on the fusion chamber screen.

I'm such a simpleton, thanks!

Thought I could have created an Epic straight away, didn't realise you needed to add a Fusion card, which I guess you only get from creating a Fusion card from each of the previous ones (Common, Uncommon, Rare etc...)
Halfway through SV Titus O'Neil having to resort to 2 point games already, Pretty much all SC or L Pro deck and having to go on +2's already where it gives you your worst cards EVERY deck!
Just won leg KOTR again. Got a second taker and single Daniel Bryan. Time to start throwing kotr to get a few ur cards for the fusion tank!!!

That's taker and Eddie pro leg this weekend. Pretty happy with that :)

Was hoping to get Titus and use him in the tank lol
Managed to get 2 UR Kofi's so levelled those up and they're now Pro which has helped, especially with the speed stat.

The drops are irritating though, all I appear to be getting recently are boosts for KotR!

Currently got an UR cooking in the tank, depending on the card, I might keep it and cook another to use to get me the epic.
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Took a bit of time...


Epic fusion is cooking, too, ground through Titus & Nikki #1 on +2's and didn't get a single Super Rare that I needed for the Epic Fusion!
Got an Ultra Rare Ryback through the Fusion, and considering once he's levelled up fully, he'll be better than my Shawn Michaels SR Pro, I've decided to keep him and got another one cooking now to throw in to cook an Epic.

Tim, give me your deck please :D
Am just glad that's a horrible picture of boobsbella and the fusion card is much nicer lol.
30 mins until my epic is done
Timmy, how much have you sent on this game? I had a look at the cost of a survivor cardand was shocked at the cost, almost £20 :eek:
Timmy, how much have you sent on this game? I had a look at the cost of a survivor cardand was shocked at the cost, almost £20 :eek:

It's easy to play the game for free and still have Survivor cards by winning KOTR and getting them from exhibition drops. An example is my team, apart from during RTG (and this RTG cards) I've not spent a penny on anything else.
Timmy, how much have you sent on this game? I had a look at the cost of a survivor cardand was shocked at the cost, almost £20 :eek:

Not bought a single card, all grinded for during KOTR, Matches & RTG, bought a few bout boosts for RTG, but thats all.

RTG deck so far looks like this (at least):


RTG Nikki will be Pro
RTG Sting will be Pro
L Brie, Dean Ambrose & Bray Wyatt all have pairs and will be done
At least 2 Fusion survivor cards unless I get a pair, then 1 Pro.
I bought a few cards packs once got a pile of dung lol.
My best cards

ATM my deck is at the SV hurdle. I can win Leg KOTR but My cards are not strong enough for SV Kotr.

Iv made up my mind to grind Sv fusion cards as I see no point in grinding more legs as the only the cream of the crop will help. So any sub standard leg cards are fusion bate. I got lucky with my Divas :)

Only time I spend on the game now is to buy a few titles matches for RTG

Two more days until my Leg Fusion is out of the oven :)
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Not bought a single card, all grinded for during KOTR, Matches & RTG, bought a few bout boosts for RTG, but thats all.

RTG deck so far looks like this (at least):


RTG Nikki will be Pro
RTG Sting will be Pro
L Brie, Dean Ambrose & Bray Wyatt all have pairs and will be done
At least 2 Fusion survivor cards unless I get a pair, then 1 Pro.

I've got like 3 cards that can beat your lowest level card on that screen, everything else you own would decimate me
SV Titus O'Neil is lurking offscreen too from this weeks RTG, tempted to throw him in the blender for my SV Fusion in 3 days, will see if he behaves!
Just won leg kotr again. Everyone seemed to have a full 5 man leg team which was nice. Came down to who had the best cards and luck with rolls!!

Got Nat and Steph. Happy enough got some fusion fodder
I clearly play this game too much since this is my team from the start of the last RTG. I've since got Nikki Bella RTG, The Rock, another Cesaro, RVD and Erick Rowan all in the process of leveling up and proing.

Got Ziggler Fusion.

Wanted to keep him so badly but in the end threw him in the pot 4 days baby!!!

I be happy with any of the Sv fusion cards

Also entered leg kotr again and seems I might stream roll it. Only beat once due to lack of energy and facing a fresh team.
Going to throw the next one to get some UR's fusion bate
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I clearly play this game too much since this is my team from the start of the last RTG. I've since got Nikki Bella RTG, The Rock, another Cesaro, RVD and Erick Rowan all in the process of leveling up and proing.

How many games have you played?
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