WWE Supercard

This game makes me want to snap my phone in half. The last time survivor series was on I easily got a legendary, now I'm really struggling to get the epic macho man!

I know the feeling, my deck comes in at survivior, I got most of the way fine, legendary Natalya had a few tough matches, now I'm on Survivor Ric Flair, I have 76 of the 170 points needed from about 60 matches, the matchmaking is completely screwed, constantly up against full decks of Leg Pro & Survivor Pros :(
Yep, I even tried putting some of my scrubs in to get it down to ultra rare yet it would still put me against people who seemed to have an epic deck.
Yep, matchmaking has been so broken both times, and both to massive extremes, going to try and build up some Survivor cards & Legendary pros for the next RTG.
I had a really strange occurrence early on in SS.
I was playing for one of the less rare cards, think it was Big E or whatever.
I played this one guy whose every card was either Legendry or Survivor Series fully maxed! I think something went really wrong with the pairings there
They nerfed to hard.....
Need 20 points to get leg nat to make a pair and I dunno if that's possible...

This game is to hard for new players that dint get leg kotr before the nerf
This week event I got lucky again. Get the chance to pair my Hogan. This will be the 3rd RTG event in a row I got the chance to make a Leg Pro :)
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Yep, I will finally be able to Pro my Hogan too, no idea what the difficulty will be compared to the last one, maybe tweaked for something in the middle, I don't want it easy, just possible would be nice!
Quick question before this event starts again.

When you playing RTG and am only in Leg does that effect my chance to pull SV Cards from the board?
In exhibition my deck is still SV
I think it correlates to whatever level you are in, opening packs after RTG matches at Legendary will yield 0% chance of a survivor card, even if you exhibition deck is Survivor, it always says at the bottom what level your current pack draws will max at.

If you get a Leg card on Leg RTG packs, that resets your counter again, which could have netted you a SV card in exhibition, if that makes any sense at all!

Finall won my first Legenday KOTR last night, got Shawn Michael & Bruno Sammartino, would have been nice to be able to pair up some of my current cards, but that's now more targets for next time, currently 11-1 in the new one! :)
With my current cards it's an easy trip into the semis but reached the final twice and got hammered. 22-2 atm two defeats have been by the leader but if I level my nat I might have the chance to beat the leader
Just won my first Leg KOTR:) got warrior and another Rowan lol

Played a game of RTG and pulled a leg BookerT which I can now pair!!

Gonna take me ages to level these cards :/
Beyond fed up of this mode now, Survivor rated deck, get to Legendary without losing a leg, let alone a match, 70 points into legendary Hogan and it starts to get tough, 20 points more and can barely get a win, I think I went from 130/155 to 144/155 in about 60 matches :(
Beyond fed up of this mode now, Survivor rated deck, get to Legendary without losing a leg, let alone a match, 70 points into legendary Hogan and it starts to get tough, 20 points more and can barely get a win, I think I went from 130/155 to 144/155 in about 60 matches :(

Dont tell me that :/
I want razor ramon to i can pro mine but I've got a feeling I'm going to get screwed soon. They've changed it since the first Road to glory and made it purposely harder so you feel the need to buy some packs.
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