www.jasper1675.com for XBox Live Subscriptions

Yep tried that already. The code is separated into sets of 5 by a dash (-). The last one has the extra digit.

It's my first 'proper' subscription as my free 1month gold trial has expired. :(

Edit: Sent me the code again with the corrected code (wrong character in original). But again, it was 26 digits long, so I swapped the last digit with the one before it and it worked!

Got the Live email confirmation so its all sweet.
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The price for this site has now gone up to £29.99 so I searched around and found another site at www.instantxbox.com who are selling 12+1 for £26.99.

I sent them an e-mail to see if they are still selling cards and got no real reply but did get an auto reply thanking me for purchasing from Top Ten Gamer INC sent from an @instantxbox.com e-mail even though I didn't buy anything.

I then decided to just forget it and pay the extra and order from Jasper1675 and after my order I then got exactly the same e-mail word for word thanking me for my purchase from Top Ten Gamer INC this time from a [email protected].

So both of these sites as far as I can tell are the same person charging completely different prices and I ended up actually ordering from the more expensive version of the site when I could have just taken the risk and ordered from the other I guess? :(

And they haven't sent me my code yet...
Personally I feel 29.99 is not cheap at all tbh.

You can buy the 12month for £30 quid from some e-shops with free shipping. You also get the peace of mind that it is in no way a genarated code and you get the card with it so if MS every decided to play the blame game on you, you have proof that you bought it from a legitmate store.

I guess he is running out of cards now.
There's a guy over at AVF (not sure if it's ok to link so I'll just not link) saying that he bought one from Jasper recently and it turns out that he got more than what he bargained for. He checked his account and in the bit where it tells you when you next have to renew he says it's more than expected. He's unwilling to share the exact period he got since he doesn't want other people to buy from Jasper and be disappointed if it turns out to be a glitch. It could be 1 extra day or a few months on top of what he paid for, no one knows apart from him.

Anyone else purchased recently and double-checked their renewal date? :)
Personally I feel 29.99 is not cheap at all tbh.

You can buy the 12month for £30 quid from some e-shops with free shipping. You also get the peace of mind that it is in no way a genarated code and you get the card with it so if MS every decided to play the blame game on you, you have proof that you bought it from a legitmate store.

I guess he is running out of cards now.

I agree for the extra penny or so per day I'd rather be safe in the knowledge my card is legit. If they wont post me the card I wont buy. Any time I have bought off the bay I have asked for the card to be sent.

A store is currently selling 3 month cards for £7.50 instore. That suits me better because sometimes there is a long period I dont play online. I can string it out for a bit longer and just load them on as needed.
Well I just checked his site and putting aside the fact he obviously knows no geography as he has The Netherlands listed as Holland LOL his prices on his 12 month cards are good as they are about 25 Euro cheaper than the stores but I would need to buy them in 3 month lots and he's not worth it for that as the price difference is only 2 Euro from the game store in town. I would rather pay the extra 2 euro for the piece of mind
Since when did anyone make a keygen for a 5x5 code base? A lot of people in here haven't got a clue! There are no keygens for MS 5x5's firstly if there were then a lot of us in the know would be loving free live and all the points you can spend! Secondly how long has windows XP been out? And yet the telephone activation alogorithm still has no keygen.....


This guy provides great service, a very good investment on his part as he would buy say 15,000 cards at around £20 or so. So £26 back is a MASSIVE profit for almost no work at all! If he sells 500 a day thats £3,000 PER DAY find me an investment that returns that and ill bite your hand off, let alone the fact that its a garaunteed market base and sale rate. Plus if the guy runs a business he likely has access to capital and by branching off from his company he can loose it from the books and turn it into hidden cash. Its a great piece of bussinessmanship imo
If you use this link its £28.99 http://www.jasper1675.com/newuk12gold.html

This page in my website has a lower price. If you have come here you are welcome to
purchase at the price listed, but you need to know that this page is not the same page that
is included in the link for The United Kingdom. That page is exactly the same product, but I
pay to advertise that page on Google. This page I no longer pay to advertise it is only
found in forums and referrals of gamers. So since I'm not paying to advertise the page
anymore I have decided to pass the saving along to you. If you navigate away from this
page pressing the United kingdom in the navigation bar will not get you here you will have
to use the back button in your browser.
Hidden cash?

If he's making 3 grand per day he isn't hiding it.

Aye but lets look at overall figures, 15k x 6 = total profit in (£) 90,000

Now although i can only guess at his financial situation we've got to assume that his main business has a healthy turnover, however he probably doesnt earn millions. Thus a profit of £90,000 may well change his tax bracket costing him a much higher percentage annually. By creating a new business with a moderate profit submission he can remain in a lower tax bracket and utilize twice the tax breaks. For example if he wants a holiday in the azores he can pull a few grand from www.jasper1675.com and pass it through as entertainments saving himself a heap of tax payments and then he can do the exact same on the first business, double the tax free goodness. There are about a million other good reasons for his business, not least of which the 50grand or so after tax profit for the sake of a few hundred emails a day.....

Anyone who cant see why this guy does what he does has very little understanding of the world beyond work=paychecks
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