X-Com 2 - Announced

Yep mid to end game sucks. I really want to complete my current game but haven't played in about two weeks. As just can't be bothered to do the missions I need to get to the last mission.
Start is to hard, start-middle is good. Middle onwards to easy and annoying things like not enough elerium cores, can't choose to build exactly why you want in proving ground. Do they just burn the blueprints once they make something.

I expect the expansion will massively improve game.
Finsihed my Commander run last week,tis not too big a jump from veteran tbh.Sword focused rangers are still viable,just not OP ike in vetern.

Started a Impossible,failed a few times and restarted.The avatar project just ramps up so fast,cant get my base expanded quick enough to get extra resistance comms to hit facility's,and get forced into the blacksite mission woefully under prepared.

Whats the optimal base building order? Im always flush with supply's,just cant get expanded fast enough due to the obscene excavation times.

Also any decent mods for immposible that dont break the game(from a difficultly PoV)
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I bought the DLC in the Steam sale

"Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in"

The Alien Rulers (Kings/Queens) are ridiculously powerful compared to any other enemy. We're talking 80hp and the ability to move/attack after every action you take (e.g. Soldier #1 reloads -> Alien moves -> Soldier #1 fires -> Alien attacks -> Soldier #2 moves -> Alien uses ability)

Shens Last Gift is a good addition though.
Not been keeping track of DLCs for Xcom2, just skimmed through and it sounds like Shen's Last Gift is good. Alien Hunters sounds really bad though, overwhelming bad reviews. Some entertaining comments though:

"One of the most poorly balanced and anti-fun DLC ever.
If you like getting your entire squad wiped in a single turn by a single enemy, this DLC is for you. "
Ah, but if you install one of the many mods that can increase squad size, the Alien Kings & Queen become a bit more tolerable... Frost bombs are your friend here...
Considering picking this up, but am put off by the bugs and performance issues on release. Can any owners inform of whether things have improved with patches/updates?
Considering picking this up, but am put off by the bugs and performance issues on release. Can any owners inform of whether things have improved with patches/updates?

Bugs are gone, but performance isn't great even now. Seems very CPU heavy, and needs a better one/higher clock than it warrants. Doesn't often drop below 30-40 though and sits at 60+ a lot of the time, but the slowdowns can be massive.
Bugs are gone, but performance isn't great even now. Seems very CPU heavy, and needs a better one/higher clock than it warrants. Doesn't often drop below 30-40 though and sits at 60+ a lot of the time, but the slowdowns can be massive.

Thats not encouraging. Looks like a really fun game, but dips like that with your system specs are off putting. May pass on it for now, thanks for the feedback.
I get a bit of slowdown when your dudes jump off chopper thing, and maybe a tiny bit when you blow large chunks out of buildings. Never Fraps'd it but would guess am getting around 60fps 99% of the time. 10+ mods running. 970 and i5

The loading times at the end of missions is painfully long though
I got it a few days ago and above a slight stutter during the mission start, not really a big deal really, it runs very well on my system. I found that using the mod "stop wasting my time" cuts out some in game cutscenes, but I am really enjoying it.
At the same time, with all the modding hooks in there, a "long war" type mod is only a matter of time.

There is a long war in development and there are some modules that extend the war. Some extend the Advent Dark Events duration, others have research which fit 'inbetween' the tiers (such as tier 1.5 weapons). You can also research for specific missions such as guerrilla attacks on Advent stations. Although I use increased squad size mod to have a larger drop squad, I also use mods that adds a more diverse range of enemy. What I would like to see is one that increases the number of Advent units that drop from their reinforcement dropships. Also another that replaces the Advent with Imperial Stormtroopers.. :)
At the same time, with all the modding hooks in there, a "long war" type mod is only a matter of time.

Yeah. Long War Studios have also released a toolbox that adds some of the options from Long War such as damage roulette, randomized stats and having injuries affect accuracy/hacking etc. It is really good.

Enemy Within completely changed the first game for the better. I would love something similar.
Is there a training roulette addon? That was an awesome (second wave) addition (imo) for the first game. Some crazy setups became really viable and powerful (or situationally amazing) and every soldier unique.

What's the name of the long war toolbox thing mentioned, that sounds pretty good.

What's a good group of addons (not really been following it) for :
More research
Squad size
More varied enemies

Maybe something that doesn't make the dark event countering a "pick one" type thing (so if there's time and squads can be kept in good shape more of them could be hit... I get it adds to the geoscape side of the game to have curve balls thrown, still...)
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