Xbox 360 Lian Li case - installed with pics !

Well i have just built mine... I had a bit of extra cutoffs of paxmate so i did the rest of the case in that and i also fitted an akasa amber fan instead of the one that came with it. I must say that it has made a huge difference in noise. You can barely even tell its on when its idle unlike the droning of the stock fans. And the noise has been reduced dramatically when playing a game (That i didnt install) or a dvd movie. And when its in position with the rest of my gear it looks pretty good actually.

I think it was worth the money to have something that a bit different like most ppl have pc chassis/watercooling/cathodes etc... I am a modder at the end of the day, I mod my PC, i mod my consoles and i mod my car. Gives me something to do at the end of the day.
Well... Just thought i would bump this thread.. I have not really been using my 360 in the Lian Li Chassis for a while because it was all packed up ready to move. But still waiting for that to happen and i remembered i had problems reading disks because i want it orientated horizontally not vertically. Now i have worked out what the issue is. When the 360 is stood up you put the disk in from the right hand side. But when you have the lian li horizontally it orientates the drive the opposite way so you stick the disk in from the left. Problem with this is that there is nothing to hold the disk when you eject it and it normally drops on the floor. So i am gonna mod it tonight by chopping off the legs and spinning the drive through 180 degrees so its the same as original. Will up date with pics. BTW I am still very happy with my purchase and the 360 is pretty much silent all the time now :D
My god that is awful, I mean it kinda just looks like a PC but with the stuff sticking out of the front it just looks so untidy and ugly. As long as you are happy thats the main thing, but I really do think you must have a lack of common sense if you prefer that to the original console.
You're entitled to your opinion, but there is no need to be a **** about it. How on Earth not liking one design over another relates to common sense is beyond me.
Common sense, style, the ability to see. Call it what you will. Its still beyond me how anyone can look at the two and say that monstrosity looks better than the console out of the box.

Surely your post is the definition of hypocrisy? And wow, you can part star out a swear word. You are the big man, aren't you?
I actually prefer mine to the original plastic jobbie.. yeah its bigger but worse looking i dont think so. i have a PS3, Media PC and a dvd player (And soon a 5.1 Amp) and wanted something to go with them. Yeah an elite would have done the job or i could have sprayed mine black but i wanted something different. I am not saying that it could have been a bit more compact but thats how it gets its cooling and makes it substantially quieter than the original.

If you dont like it then its up to you and dont buy it... I have and i like it. This entire forum is based on people that mod and overclock thier PC's. At the end of the day its my money and if i want to do something that i like then i will. a lot of PC case manufacturers would not be in business now if they went on looks alone.
Common sense, style, the ability to see. Call it what you will. Its still beyond me how anyone can look at the two and say that monstrosity looks better than the console out of the box.

Surely your post is the definition of hypocrisy? And wow, you can part star out a swear word. You are the big man, aren't you?

To be fair, you were very rude in your first post about it.
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