XBOX 360 SSF4 Wednesday/Thursday Night Fights

Cheers mate, got your message.

A little update on this, i'm looking for testers for something.

So please message me on xbl and i'll send you a link to it.

Art, check your email!
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Yes, excellent site Rav, just caught your XBL msg now. I have signed up :) also put me down for the Wed fight nights!
Thanks guys, just need you to go over the rules and challenges, and see what needs to be tweaked.

Adz, i can make one for you if you'd like?

Won't take me that long, and would be a nice place to keep everything more organized than here.

Took me 4 hours to get that up and running, could have it done for you by Tuesday the earliest.
Thanks guys, just need you to go over the rules and challenges, and see what needs to be tweaked.

Adz, i can make one for you if you'd like?

Won't take me that long, and would be a nice place to keep everything more organized than here.

Took me 4 hours to get that up and running, could have it done for you by Tuesday the earliest.

Check your emails!
i think you should make the challenges only available for whoever comes second in the groups (a bit like the playoff places in the second tier football leagues), to give everyone more to play for. so second places a play-off challenges against who ever he chooses in the updated group above him (but not the same person every week) next week.

he sets the challenge after the groups have finish. so if a person gone down from group a, after the groups have finished, can get challenged by a person finished second in group c. and of course, he can face double relegation if he loses.
Rav, aka YupYupONO, make with the announcement already! Or at least announce when you're going to announce the announcement!
I've a got a day off tomorrow, so i'll work on it a lot.

It's nearly up and running, and you can expect an announcement on Thursday :)
Most of the regulars have signed up.

There's no harm with a few randoms joining us, and if anything, these 'randoms' are from OMH and distorted, who i've asked to get others involved.

So they're bound to be decent players, and decent people, i.e ocuk worthy.
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I don't imagine all 16 players will be available each week anyway. Plus, if each person were to learn 2 unique chracters, we'd still be 3 short of the full roster.

Growth will be easy to accommodate, either add more people to stations or add more stations (preferred). If the website work of entering results and whatnot becomes too much of a chore for two people, I'd be happy to chip in also.
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