xbox live code plzs

Ah you mean online achievements. Then yes another gamertag/profile would be of no use to him if that's what he was after.
Give the guy a break!!

A 48hr trial can be added to your normal silver account's gamertag. The new accounts are for brand new gamertags.

Maybe he wants to use the 48 hour code so he can use his normal Silver account and get achievements? Is that such a hard concept to understand?

Give the man a code or leave the thread, he has already implied he does not want to create a new account etc. And stop giving him grief about the cost of live, who cares if it is a few pence a day, he doesn't have it or doesn't want to pay? No point in banging on about his age and lack of money.

(btw I don't have any spare codes, else I would oblige).


Thank you, but some how I think they will keep saying make a new account :(
I am not promising anything, but i may have some trials.

I believe ive got some 48hrs, some 1 monthers and somewhere a 3 month trial i brought and never needed.

I will have a look tom and post on here or somin :)
I have a 3 month membership you can have for nowt, have mailed you.

And before anyone says, why am I giving it away! It cost me nowt, I have no use for it and I like being generous. Try it one day.
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