**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

I doubt it will be thicker than the HDMI cables I use. Obviously you never wanted a One if the thickness of a cable is what bothers you. Also the kinect doesn't have to even be plugged in, that's been confirmed for months.
Some very, very defensive people in here.

tell me about it.. I've gone on to admit, its too big for my liking and that its not going to work in my house, YES due to asthetics, and boy i'm being called a tool and all sorts. :confused:

My choice, and guess what I won't be the only person who feels the same.
tell me about it.. I've gone on to admit, its too big for my liking and that its not going to work in my house, YES due to asthetics, and boy i'm being called a tool and all sorts. :confused:

My choice, and guess what I won't be the only person who feels the same.
you thought it was a good idea to come in the xbox one thread and say you have decided against getting a xbox one because the cable is too thick and thought you would not be laughed at ?

I ordered on the 22nd Aug, status currently reads unshipped but they processed the order on the 13th Nov with money taken out from bank on the 14th Nov. hope that helps, wonder what are the chances it will be delivered Thursday...
Thanks. So did you receive an email or something on the 13th? I ordered in May but via PayPal and they had problems. Doesn't seem to have moved along much so keeping an eye on it.
you thought it was a good idea to come in the xbox one thread and say you have decided against getting a xbox one because the cable is too thick and thought you would not be laughed at ?


It's more than just the cable though isn't it.. If i could stand it vertically, and now i know that you don't need that monstrosity add on, always plugged in, maybe just maybe, i could put up with it...

As it stands, I'd have no-where to place the console, and the kinect will go to waste, as I'd never allow that to add on to be taking up so much space.

Then there's a thick cables that will have to come from the front of the TV to where ever the console will be, that'll need hiding.
This thread is freaking insane at times and it is escalating extremely fast.... ALL HELL IS GOING TO BREAK LOOSE ON FRIDAY !!!

Think it's bad now - you just wait for the weekend, there'll be a whole queue of the usual PS4 suspects just waiting for the first sniff of any X1 news that can be painted as negative so they can troll this thread with "wtflolXB0n3Suxks".

My magic crystal balls allow me to predict this future.. ;) :D
I think people are more bemused by someone cancelling a console pre order due to the thickness of a cable than actually seriously being defensive about it. :D

Not cancelling, but swapping for a PS4 and taking a hit on cost. Yes it upset me, what can i say. The aesthetics of the console upset me enough for it to cost me $100 !
I got laughed at 7 yrs ago on these very forums, when i complained that the 360 was too loud.. (after owning one)

I also got laughed at after complaining about the RROD fiasco. People were digging in saying well it was no big deal and that i was being a tool. (after having 5 replacements)

Now I'm complaining that the new xbox is simply too big for me to conceal out the way, like I have done so with all my other consoles for the last however many yrs, and i'm being laughed at again.
I got laughed at 7 yrs ago on these very forums, when i complained that the 360 was too loud.. (after owning one)

I also got laughed at after complaining about the RROD fiasco. People were digging in saying well it was no big deal and that i was being a tool. (after having 5 replacements)

Now I'm complaining that the new xbox is simply too big for me to conceal out the way, like I have done so with all my other consoles for the last however many yrs, and i'm being laughed at again.

But surely if you're all about the aesthetics you would have researched sizes etc prior to pre-ordering?
Thanks. So did you receive an email or something on the 13th? I ordered in May but via PayPal and they had problems. Doesn't seem to have moved along much so keeping an eye on it.

Yeah got an email on the 13th Nov confirming it's being processed, with the typical contradictory statements "Hi there, Great news! Your order has been dispatched and will be delivered soon." Followed by "Please note that Pre-orders will be processed ready for delivery on the release date. "

Have you checked PayPal account? Has it been withdrawn? Surely it must have by now for them to process delivery on Friday?!
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