**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

I do think it's quite amusing how everyone is panicking so much when the Xbox's are not even due to be delivered till Friday.

Someone posts any sort of movement with their online order and everyone goes into meltdown that theirs hasn't done the same.

Launch day paranoia is ace :D
because people are worried that they will be without an xbox one on friday when others will have theirs and gloating on here about how amazing it is lol.
Lots of features being left out on both consoles, not really that bothered about twitch though. Much rather play games than watch people play games.

It's absolutely down to personal preference, I enjoy watching streams for fighting games and mobas. Especially fighting games, some of it is very entertaining to watch and you might learn a few things whilst you're there. So for the likes of Killer Instinct I was looking forward to watching certain players running a few sets and anytime I had my brother over I would've streamed our matches as well I think. It's annoyed me a bit but I can see how it would be a non-issue for a lot of others.
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