*** XBOX SSF4 LEAGUE - Season 4 ***

Alright you lot I'll be up for league matches this evening. Think I am finally back in the land of the living. Will warm up this afternoon then league matches this evening.
didnt i made you look silly in our guile mirror yesterday?;)

Was that when I put the shades on instead of cr.hp at the end, or was that vs salu. I made myself look silly there, didn't need much help lol.

Alright you lot I'll be up for league matches this evening. Think I am finally back in the land of the living. Will warm up this afternoon then league matches this evening.

Excellent. Please just send an inv to anyone you see on and try get as many league sets done as possible since you are a fair bit behind. I guarentee I'll get 3 nilled by you, even though these days our games are much closer then when we first played =|

Lol vian and adz need a ft5 to settle this.

He's too scared. :);)
Lol the shades was vs me. Classic.
Vian, il play u ft10. But u n adz need to settle a score also. These magic throws have caused an uproar in ocuk
Theres nothing wrong with strategic mashing, thats wot most ppl do at some point in a game....just in case u mess up a combo u get hit. Lool I saw tokido mashing vs sako, soo funny he was caning that dp motion.

Vian ur sf knowlege is tops, ur all round play is great, but u miss a lot of opportunities, I think its cos u play with so many chars, I reckn u shud stick to 2 or 3 (maybe chun guile n abel) and perfect them, then ul be kicking sum serious tatsu butt
Lol the shades was vs me. Classic.
Vian, il play u ft10. But u n adz need to settle a score also. These magic throws have caused an uproar in ocuk

An uproar of just vian?

Hyv, just play Bison against the army of generic shoto's.
You should money match.

Lol that's taking things a bit far, I would feel bad after emptying his wallet. :D

Lol the shades was vs me. Classic.
Vian, il play u ft10. But u n adz need to settle a score also. These magic throws have caused an uproar in ocuk

You would win in a first to 10 easy I reckon, you are better then both of us.
An uproar of just vian?

Hyv, just play Bison against the army of generic shoto's.

My Akuma > His Bison :D

Just played madbeats, lost 3-2. I'm salty. It was a bit laggy at times, but I thought I was making a comeback after he went 2 up in the first 2 games.

Oooof, may I spectate and record the replays? A few of us would like to see this set! Well done Madbeats and unlucky Kenny, you will probably have your chance again in the playoffs, I have a feeling you guys will meet again...
Was gonna upload madbeats vs conqueror kenny but distorted I think is doing the honours.

Kennys Balrog was playing a lot more cautiously then what I am use to seeing, I guess they had to show a bit of respect to each other, normally he just charges in like a train and pounds at you til you're dead. :p Madbeats plays Ryu very well, do not be deceived at the lack of fancy combos, he does the basics VERY well. Well played guys. I think only Overmostheads or Artheas from the previous league has a chance against either of you especially when it comes to the playoffs.

Adz, could you upload a screenshot of the super nifty results grid? I don't remember everyone that I still need to play.

Will do in 2 ticks, although you should have also been keeping the scores...

Lol @ fuerte, honda and gief vs his balrog. Are you taking this league as some sort of joke lol? Or are they good counter picks? :confused: Or does Balrog even have a counterpick???
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