*** XBOX SSF4 LEAGUE - Season 4 ***

Lol well I took the 1st game seriously. You did choose Adon though, so if you're telling me you weren't trying, then you can count it as a 3-0.

Adz, that's not the grid I meant. Its under Results -> Player Grid.
That way, everyone can check their results, and check their remaining games, all on 1 screen. How handy! :p
You can take that game if you want, my Adon is amazing so it's ok.
Lol @ fuerte, honda and gief vs his balrog. Are you taking this league as some sort of joke lol? Or are they good counter picks? :confused: Or does Balrog even have a counterpick???
Guile, Gief, Akuma and Sagat all counterpick Balrog. They are stupidly hard matches if the other person plays it right. Honda Vs Balrog is just stupid, whoever turtles harder wins.
I am on the laptop atm and that grid is wider then my screen! When I'm on PC tonight I'll upload it.

First game is always a warmup btw, its in the rules. so confirm score...
GGs to Kenny, I didn't see any lag in that game? I'm basically not confident in hitting links on Rog cos of his weird hitbox, hence the *Dry* throws.

Lol@Hyv - I'll tell you this mate: Ryu is good on a basic level, but if u wanna take him to tourney level, you may as well wear Akumas prayer beads when you play mate. If people mash, why not bait it? If you know why you're getting beat, its really not your opponents fault to stop mashing if you can't handle it...I'm sure you will deal with mashers sooner than later though.
GGs to Kenny, I didn't see any lag in that game? I'm basically not confident in hitting links on Rog cos of his weird hitbox, hence the *Dry* throws.

Lol@Hyv - I'll tell you this mate: Ryu is good on a basic level, but if u wanna take him to tourney level, you may as well wear Akumas prayer beads when you play mate. If people mash, why not bait it? If you know why you're getting beat, its really not your opponents fault to stop mashing if you can't handle it...I'm sure you will deal with mashers sooner than later though.

I like say first I don't play ryu and he is not that good. He is the boringest character apart from guile and rog. And akuma is the best character in the game. Secondly dealing with mashers online and offline is different. It's kind of hard to block when hold d/b and get Hit anyway. But I am sure one I will toss all the mashers around like a baby
Just had a little showdown with HYV.

Hyv (Bison) 5-4 Adz (Akuma)

Adz (Ryu) 5-0 Hyv (ANYONE)

Adz 1-0 Hyv (Guile mirror)

Make of that what you will... lol.
Played meansfgamer

I won 3-2

All games were 2-1, very close matches!

A lot harder than i thought, good games after as well, your Guile is very good.
I like say first I don't play ryu and he is not that good. He is the boringest character apart from guile and rog. And akuma is the best character in the game. Secondly dealing with mashers online and offline is different. It's kind of hard to block when hold d/b and get Hit anyway. But I am sure one I will toss all the mashers around like a baby

Akuma is the best character in the game?


As Alex Valle said it like that, if you don't put 'In your opinion' it means you are the authority, which you are not lol.

Saying that Dan is the best character! Guile might be boring but he can be played flamboyantly, As for Rog, I don't think he's boring at all (my opinion)

And I don't think you're on any ground to complain about mashers when you use Abel! If Ryu 'Isn't that good' why are you losing to him?
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Big improvement adz. Fancy playing again tomorrow once I've gotten back into the game? DeeJay v ryu first to 5?

All those hours that I can't play in the week means you're catching up!
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Akuma is the best character in the game?


As Alex Valle said it like that, if you don't put 'In your opinion' it means you are the authority, which you are not lol.

Saying that Dan is the best character! Guile might be boring but he can be played flamboyantly, As for Rog, I don't think he's boring at all (my opinion)

And I don't think you're on any ground to complain about mashers when you use Abel! If Ryu 'Isn't that good' why are you losing to him?

Lol so tokido, mago and all the akuma player's opinion doesn't count? I don't think any of them thinks akuma is not in the top 3. And that's after he was nerfed and with yun and yang added to the game. At least explain why you don't think so

I like to ask what can abel and chun li mash that's remotely as useful as a dp fadc? And I don't have any problem with facing ryu, you can ask distorted about that and how I out poke his low mk. I just think it's boring playing against hence I dont like him
Lol so tokido, mago and all the akuma player's opinion doesn't count? I don't think any of them thinks akuma is not in the top 3. And that's after he was nerfed and with yun and yang added to the game. At least explain why you don't think so

I like to ask what can abel and chun li mash that's remotely as useful as a dp fadc? And I don't have any problem with facing ryu, you can ask distorted about that and how I out poke his low mk. I just think it's boring playing against hence I dont like him

Yep Ryu matchups are well boring now, I've made a list of all the players I meet on Live that main Ryu and kick them if they join.. Ryu's gay
Wow I just thrashed Madbeats like he was a total noob in the league....

Right now that you have recovered from your feinting, he actually thrashed me 3 - 0 and we played some friendlies in which he beat me most of the time. GGs mate and well played. :)
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