*** XBOX SSF4 LEAGUE - Season 4 ***

Yup well played mate. I will be back a bit later guys to play league games. I do realise I am somewhat behind :(

Hyv, Artheas, elrasho, Alex and me are online and ready to play. Well Artheas has gone now but there are quite a few of us online. You can catch up in one 20 min session.
Madbeats 3 - 0 TzeChungShek

GGs - You couldv'e FADC'd me whn you had two bars but you didn't and it took away your momentum - solid player nonetheless.
Table Updated:


Deadline has been moved back to Friday 18th for everyone not only Ravl585, because I am fair and as its champions league night tonight. :)

8 sets MUST be played by everyone by Friday evening, and for every set you are behind, you will be deducted 1 point. This affects:


From now until the end there will be weekly targets, so keep checking the thread for updates. :)

Remaining Games:

Madbeats needs to be stopped, somebody needs to camppppppppppppp and spammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yoga fires and teleports, or air fireballs and teleports
Lol nah he will cane me. I also tend to feel ashamed when I camp a lot. But no im losing that, and to rav distorted n spud. Be on tomoz guys ia. Vian im up for some training
Just got a msg from Madbeats with the following scores:

Madbeats 3-0 Meansfgamer
Madbeats 3-0 DrSK

Appalling you guys! I softened him up for you's earlier by whooping his Ryu in ONE game. :p I think only Artheas can stop him now, possibly AlexGM and Yupyupno.

I am off to footy now guys, but if Sproutmaster comes on which he should do, accept his request or send him invite for league games. He has confirmed he still wishes to be in this and said he will be online in abit! :)
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