*** XBOX SSF4 LEAGUE - Season 4 ***

Adz, I reckon u shud set a timeline for the tournament, say 4 weeks for group stages, then after 4 weeks (regardless of how many matches each person has played) u start the top 8 playoffs. I think ppl will start dropping out if penalised. Also, some ppl tend to get loads of league games in 1-2 days wen they're free. This way, it's in each persons interest to play as many games as possible to make top 8. Wot u reckon :cool:
As it stands:

Yupyupno - 4 sets
klc0100 - 5 sets
Spudmaster - 6 sets

Are the only ones below 8 sets. 4 hrs yet to get your games in.

I doubt i'll be able to get in anymore games tonight before 12, wife is hogging the tv now :mad:

Im not working till 4 tomorrow so should be able to get some games in tomorrow during the day if people are free. But as DrSK says, if we are gonna be getting penalised I may aswell just drop out cos I dont exactly have a chance of making the top 8 as it is without having points taken away
Adz, I reckon u shud set a timeline for the tournament, say 4 weeks for group stages, then after 4 weeks (regardless of how many matches each person has played) u start the top 8 playoffs. I think ppl will start dropping out if penalised. Also, some ppl tend to get loads of league games in 1-2 days wen they're free. This way, it's in each persons interest to play as many games as possible to make top 8. Wot u reckon :cool:

If there are gonna be any future leagues, something definately needs to be introduced because atm you are right, people can randomly drop out and it is unfair on those who have already played and beaten them, especially if they were not expected too.

I doubt i'll be able to get in anymore games tonight before 12, wife is hogging the tv now :mad:

Im not working till 4 tomorrow so should be able to get some games in tomorrow during the day if people are free. But as DrSK says, if we are gonna be getting penalised I may aswell just drop out cos I dont exactly have a chance of making the top 8 as it is without having points taken away

I will extend it (yet again) to Sunday. I don't want to deduct points of anyone but you probably realise something has to be put in place in order for this to work. We do not want people dropping out because the results of even those who may not reach the top 8 still affects those who may.

Played JaguarSkille, I won 3-0 ggs mate

Then had some friendlies with meansfgamer, I won two then had to go.... he threw salt at me: http://img219.imageshack.us/i/imag0238g.jpg/

think he got angry when I baited his Ryu U2 from across the screen

And wheres the msg's you sent him?? ;)

Ok guys, I appreciate everyone taking part in this and in any future leagues there will be a stricter weekly schedule in place so we can use the 'penalty' function if needed which has now been added to the league program. I realise from this league and the previous one the problem occurs when people do not play their league games at the start because they want more time to practice (even though the games been out for over a yr) and when something unexpected happens later they can't get their games in, which is why I have always said play your games at the first possible opportunity and try stay AHEAD of schedule, do not plan to catch up later.

The league will go on, I won't let it be ruined for the rest but I would appreciate it if everyone finishes their games regardless as you still affect the overall table. I do not wish to deduct points of anyone so once more (and I promise this is the last time) I will move the deadline fwd:

Absolute FINAL Deadline: 9 sets by Sunday 20th

Sent him a "gtg man ggs" coz I had to go :confused:

Lol ok. Just not the kind of msg's I'm use to getting from him, and I know you play your part in winding ppl up - ESPECIALLY Ryu players! But forgive me if you were totally innocent this time. :)
Looool. Evry1 gets annoyed sometimes with this game. Meansf is a great guy hes probly the first guy I added like 3 years ago. Ur abel is very frustrating rasho, ur good at countering shotos.

Cool adz, ur leagues run nicely I have to commend u. I got marvel, its awesome, trust me, its simple like sf, and as u improve it becmes more fun.
Getting annoyed when losing is one thing, but dropping out and ruining it for others is something else. Overall though, the league has improved considerably since it first started. The program has improved, the rules have improved, there are more players and the standard has improved. As long as there are enough people playing the game it can go on, and hopefully we can see some MvC3 leagues/tourneys in future as that is looking quite popular atm. :)

If anyone wants league games with me and I'm on mvc just send us a message.

Nice one champ.
I'm not sure who I still need to play but I've been playing a lot of MvC3 so if you see me on that send me a message and I'll jump on and beat you quickly ;).
(ps. 30 wins and 3 losses on MvC, people suck at that game)
Table Updated:


Deadline : 9 sets by Sunday 20th
Results Grid:


I'm not sure who I still need to play but I've been playing a lot of MvC3 so if you see me on that send me a message and I'll jump on and beat you quickly ;).
(ps. 30 wins and 3 losses on MvC, people suck at that game)

Check grid for your remaining games, and give your mate KLC a kick up the rear too. :)

Jumping on now guys...

Message them abuse if anyones playing MvC3 and refuses to play league games. :D
Played, OMH i won 3-1

played conquerer kenny, i lost 3-0

played distorted, i won an epic game 3-2

gg's guys!

I played mainly bison, with one sim and one viper appearance.

Pretty chuffed with today's work :)
Sorry to elrasho about y'day's comment to you. For the past few days this game and some players I have come across was getting to me and I was telling this to adz y'day anyway and then your annoying Abel topped it off. Sorry mate!
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