I can't stand the endless crying
Not watching it this year, but I think it creepy how EVERY time they go to the finalists houses for a supposedly 'surprise' visit, the whole family is always in, and always right next to the door
I can't stand the endless crying
The sob stories are bad enough, but it's not a music contest. Even when it gets past the drivel to people who are actually good singers, none of them are going to bring anything new to the music industry, apart from much more repetition, and much more money for the anonymous pop song writers. It makes for passable telly, but it's just perpetuating a cycle of chart rubbish.
Sorry, grumpy-old-man syndrome!
Not watching it this year, but I think it creepy how EVERY time they go to the finalists houses for a supposedly 'surprise' visit, the whole family is always in, and always right next to the door
I can't stand the endless crying
The sob stories really p me off, they all have a sob story and then say "ooh but i dont want any sympathy" yeah right