XFI extreme gamer or extreme music?

The X-fi Extreme Gamer is an excellent card in my opinion, it has definitely improved my music and gaming experience.

Apparently there's no noticeable difference between the two cards, but I suppose if you're into gaming go for the Extreme Gamer.

Just make sure you avoid the X-fi Extreme Audio. Buying that one was a mistake!
It's not actually a real X-fi anyway...
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i use the xtreme music and it had excellent sound quality for gaming.

But since building my new pc all it does is crackles and makes distorted noise.

So i am fed up and ordered the xonar instead
Music OEM, assuming the prices are the same as they were when i last looked, the music OEM card is virtually the same price as the gamer retail. mind you, id get a xonar over either of them if price was a factor or not. if you have a pci-e slot then the xonar DX is by far the best value card. of not, the the more expensive xonar d2 would be my choice.
as james.miller has said get the music over the gamer, but creative have brutal drivers and have not bothered to fix most of the issues with the current crop of drivers.

I kept waiting for a fix, its has not come so i have ordered the xonar instead.
I would get the Asus Xonar DX over either of the 2 linked Creative cards (provided you have a free PCI-E slot)...

However, if you cannot be persuaded to buy the Asus offering, I would go for the ExtremeMusic instead of the ExtremeGamer....
my vote is for asus xonar, creative driver support is bad unless you download modded drivers which aren't supported in anyway by creative
Arn't the components on the music better quality aswell? Not certain but seem to remember reading that somewhere...

Anyway, I have the music and have to agree the driver support sucks. But you can still get DanialK's drivers from torrents which is what I'm using, far more stable than creatives offerings! Touch-wood no problems for 2 months (when I switched to these drivers, was a nightmare before).
how many revisions of the xfi music have there been? i've still got an original one, looks loads different to the current one :S
just received the xonar d2x pci express today so will put it into the pc later and let you know how good it is.
I ended up ordering an X-fi extreme music. When using my speakers and even my headphones its soooo much better than the onboard sound. Everything is so clear and crisp and the bass is just perfect. i love it!
glad you like it :) I love mine, and I've been lucky enough not to have been plagued by problems with the drivers...been using 4gb and Server 08 (vista) 64 for ages now too
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