*** XFX 58** Delivery In Stock Now ***

You can get a watercooled GTX295 for 400 if you look around...
yes but they are dx10:rolleyes:, not even dx10.1 so whats the point??:confused:

p.s to me thats money down the drain, if i wanted to spend 400+ on a gfx card i'd get the 5870 as it's dx11.

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Why if supply is getting better??
Because the components that go into making these cards have supposedly gotten more expensive, at least that's what Fatboy tells us. There's likely to be more to it than just TSMC's 40nm yield rate.

ps surely if they was a bit cheaper more people would buy them...
If there are no problems selling allocations of these cards then there's no incentive to make them cheaper.
If there are no problems selling allocations of these cards then there's no incentive to make them cheaper.

Theyre probably selling more so due to backorders and people swapping over the brand they wanted just so they don't have to wait any longer.
Because the components that go into making these cards have supposedly gotten more expensive, at least that's what Fatboy tells us. There's likely to be more to it than just TSMC's 40nm yield rate.

If there are no problems selling allocations of these cards then there's no incentive to make them cheaper.

thats fair enough..

ps i think all the retailers are making the most of the shortage, and bumping up prices..:( and to hell with the consumers..perhaps i'm stating th abvoius;) had a wee bit to drink:p

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Because the components that go into making these cards have supposedly gotten more expensive, at least that's what Fatboy tells us. There's likely to be more to it than just TSMC's 40nm yield rate.

If there are no problems selling allocations of these cards then there's no incentive to make them cheaper.

I find that to be, well, incredibly unlikely, the weaker pound might mean a slight difference in price We're talking around $10 difference as the pound has slipped from about $1.65 to $1.58 in the last couple weeks. Prices shouldn't go down anywhere but the retailer as people SHOULD BE LESS PREPARED TO PAY THE PRICE WHEN THERES STOCK, however english customers seem to be oblivious to that, patience, willpower, who knows. If they stop buying, retailers cut the prices.

If the distro's have put prices up its likely from checking on the prices their customers are selling the cards at and wanting a slice of the action.
If American distribution centre Y is selling random card X at £500 a pop and OCUK mark it up to £600 and sell all's good, if OCUK sell it at £800 because people are willing to pay that much, American distribution centre thinks to itself, hey, they are making a huge margin, why should they make all the extra, we want a slice of the pie and start charging OCUK £650 instead. THe memory on a 5870 is only $2 a chip or so, a 25% increase would make very little difference to the end price, the power componentry and pcb, don't magically increase in price, and TSMC don't magically decide to start charging more per wafer. I personally can't see any argument for large increases in cost, and not returning to RRP.

As for yields, they haven't improved, the plant is making more cards again, and the first batches since the equipment failed and were switched to alternate production lines are obviously coming in now, but the yield per wafer is the same. They are making more wafers, but every wafer costs what it does before, each core costs AMD exactly the same amount as it always did. If yields have improved(which is natural, normally at a decent fab which might rule TSMC out) it will be marginal, though I wouldn't be surprised if TSMC were offering AMD some cheaper wafers to attone for their quite monumental screw up.

hmm 5870's are selling for under £300 over that stupidly big pond to our West making shipping ludicrous(adding on 17.5% vat to equal here) while 5850's are a little worse at around £215-220. That would suggest that they too are still coming down from their "screwing the customer" price, but as people are less willing to buy the 5870 over a 5850 to start with, its come back down to normal price quicker, unsurprisingly.
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Most price rises now are VAT increases.

No they're not, that would see a very small increase, ~ £2.50 per £100, some of the prices Im sure you'll agree have risen a bit more than that.

Don't understand it tbh, this after the big announcement that TSMC have sorted out their act and supplies are now coming regularly apparantly.
ATi have put the costs up. Nothing I can do about it. And the really funny thing is I yet to increase the prices.
ATi Raise Prices, AIB Raise prices also?, Retail Price Rises AND VAT increases lol
We understand that price increases at supplier level are out of your control :)

Whats the RRP on the 5800 series now after ATIs hikes?

Hopefully by the time the prices drop back to something reasonable Asus might have got their finger out and been able to produce a handfull of cards xD heheh
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