Xim3 - anything for ps3?

Here we go again :rolleyes:

Difference is: The consoles are designed to allow it to work, naturally with out modifications, on large TV's.

Not to use a KB/Mouse.
just wear a flame suit, that's all i say :D

people round these 'ere parts don't like them Xim3 devices

The fact the developers spent so much time making sure it was completely un-detectable to MS suggests they know its cheating as well.
Other wise why not just get it sold as a licensed product?
The fact the developers spent so much time making sure it was completely un-detectable to MS suggests they know its cheating as well.
Other wise why not just get it sold as a licensed product?

i'm not sticking up for the xim3, as id sooner use a pad anyway. if i wanted kb and mouse, i'd buy a gaming pc.
Zomg but you use a fightstick which is clearly also cheating most muchly!

/nipped in bud

The best HDR player at EVO was a pad player.

A pad player beat Daigo at SvB too iirc.

The main use for arcade sticks is that they're more comfortable and you have the same layout and tools on any console/in arcades.
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Isn't that a contradication in terms? A mate of mine picked up the 'leading model' (I can't remember what it was called, sorry) and was so disappointed with it that it was on eBay within 3 days.

The Xim3/2 is completely different. It actually works.

And OP beta testers for the XIM3 have said the cross battle adaptor works fine with cod for the xim3. This board generally thinks they are cheating a lot of boards dont. I personally wouldn't use one as I feel they are unfair. but there's the info. Most of the ex-pc players on my friends list are desperate to get hold of a XIM3 when they come out. And as they are going to be "retail" I'd imagine it will be a lot more popular then the xim2.
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Considering MS wont give them a license for the product, im hoping once they go 'retail' that MS will ban them like they did with the third party memory cards.

I wouldnt mind so much if the games were designed with it in mind. But with the snap aim found in console games, adding a Mouse to that and any old noob can dominate with ease because they dont even have to aim accurately with the mouse - just point it in the general direction.
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