Yeah another vote for ESO over Xmas. You can play the game as single player like a normal ES game for example Skyrim or Oblivion. Just explore, run around, do quests, gather nodes, do world bosses and delves.(turn off the chat window completely)
1200 hours laters, maybe you could start looking at the DLCs, and still without having touch the group dungeons or Cyrodiil (PvP/PvE).
My advice start as Aldmeri Dominion and Khajiit.
AD has the best faction quest line (and Razum Dar), and as Khajiit feels more "RPG" to big parts as you interact with a lot of Khajiits on all areas. (and they do look cool).
After that, continue with either the same character to the other faction zone, or make a new one for the "RPG" feeling.
Don't bother with gear etc. Just craft what ever you find, or drops in a typical Elder Scrolls fashion.
I do plan to get back to it in December, and start a new toon for the fun. Is years since I did the quests and couple of areas are absolute blast to even just run around doing nothing like Khenarthi's Roost and Auridon.
And listen closely to some of the khajiit NPCs