Xperia Arc, what next?

27 Jan 2005
S. Yorks
Been using an xperia arc for the past month but it has developed a fault, company I am with says the phone is no longer available and are offering a replacement handset with a similar value so what would people reccomend?

This is my first smart phone and I must admit am quite impressed, apart from battery life!

Mainly want it for phoning, camera, satnav and occasional net use - did find it useful on a recent holiday.


Ask for a Galaxy Nexus in a couple of weeks.

If you can't wait that long, get a Galaxy S II now.

You could try asking for an iPhone 4S, but they'll probably tell you to **** off. :p
Just googling these phones, look superb, will try for galaxy nexus but can't see it myself, will be happy if they offer like for like so the new xperia s.

Quick question, what type of connector does the s have is it micro usb A?, same as xperia or is it B?

The only reason I ask is that the connector supplied with my phone is micro usb-B but the port on the phone is square, more like micro usb-b, so I wonder if they have supplied the wrong cable, hence my problems?


The gold port you are talking about is the one I am talking about and it is not angled like the cable you have in that picture, but square. The HDMi port is at the top of the phone.

I have the same cable as the one you posted the picture of , but when it is inserted in the usb port it is a slack fit, I thik it maybe due to the port being square and not angled.

Here is a pic of the xperia s I just found with the square port:

It charges, but if you move the phone it stops charging, recommencing when you stop moving the phone, same with connecting to the computer.

The Arc does have a pretty square looking USB port, I also thought it was a proprietory connector at first but it's not.
IIRC it's square not tapered like a standard port is but any standard cable fits (because it locks onto the centre strip), SE have pulled this crap for years. It was one of the last big solo cores so I'd ask for an SGS2 as lots of companies have inventory for this and are more likely to give you this than a brand new release like a nexus or the like.
Thanks for replies and help guys, will just have to see what phone I get offered, if it's another Sony xperia arc I will wait to see what the connector is like, or order a micro-a cable to try it.

One Review I read before getting the Arc called it 'A High Current Micro USB port' or summut similar... IIRC the Sony Charger (that comes with the phone) is a faster/higher current charger than standard Micro USB charger from HTC/Samsung/BlackBerry... The port is backward compatable with standard Micro USB connections and just charges slower!!

One question I have for the OP.. when charging the phone do you have it in a 'Gel Case' of any sorts??.. reason for this is the Micro USB plug doesn't latch properly into the socket on mine if I charge it whilst its in its case, and it falls out very easy!!..

But I could be wrong :)
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