Xpert Eleven - Online Football Management Game

3 Apr 2003
Not really sure if this should be here in sport or in the games section, if a mod needs to move it then please feel free.

I've been playing Xpert Eleven for a while now, it's a fun online football management game, I think the Codemasters had something to do with it at one point. Anyway, I couldn't find anything about an OcUK league seeing as search is disabled at the moment so I have set up a league so that we OcUK armchair managers can pit our wits against each other. You can put out press statements, transfer players, get promoted or relegated etc just like the real thing. We can also set up a cup tournament as something else other than the league to play for. It's hardly Champ Manager but it is a very fun distraction

So, if you fancy yourself as a bit of a Mourinho check it out! The address is:


Once you join up you will need to search for the OcUK league I have set up. The league ID is 119118
Good stuff, we have 11 members signed up so far. Shall we try and get it up to 24 teams so that we can have three divisions of 8 teams? If you have more than around eight teams in a division it means you have very long seasons seeing as you have to play each other twice.
Ok, so far we have 20 teams. I'll wait until we have 24 and then we can have three divisions of eight.

I think that it's just pot luck as to which division you get put into, but if you start in the lower divisions you still have a similar team to the teams in the higher ones. I prefer it in the lower leagues, that's how you become giant killers in the cups. :D
ScarySquirrel said:
It depends how it works. Do you have to be online to play? Or can you set your team up a day in advance and it will just be played automatically?

If it is like this 2 games a week is fine otherwise it will get boring waiting around for more games to happen.


You can set up your tactics before the match, you don't have to be online when the match is played. It's very easy really, you can also set up "default" tactics which might be helpful if you can't log on for a while and you have some tactics that you are happy for your team to play with for each match.
MarcLister said:
How about a league game and a cup game a week? Battrick (cricket) has a league game on Fridays and friendlies on the Sunday.

However I don't think there should be one day between the league and friendlies on Battrick. Mainly for fitness issues but also, nothing really happens Monday-Thursday.

Having a midweek (Wednesday/Thursday) league game would be cool. And have the cup games on the Sunday?

Spreads the action over the seven days a bit better than a Friday/Sunday system.

Doing admin for a league is new to me but I'm pretty sure I can set that kind of schedule up. I think a cup tournament would be nice as well as one league game per week, is everybody happy with that?
MarcLister said:
Cool. Do the players "improve" or "pop" in skill levels at any point? Or are they static and we just buy and sell players as we need to?

Players can go up in skill at the end of a season if you keep them in good form throughout. Check out the Rules section on the and look for "The Season Update" section under "The League" area of the rules for detailed info.
Ok, well I've just been out to see The Bourne Ultimatum (very good indeed) and come home to see we have a full quota of 24 teams plus a waiting list of five.

I know people want to get the show on the road so I'll see if I can do two leagues of 10 and one of 9 or something like that.
Mr_L said:
You might as well get 30 people and make 3 divisions of 10.

And 1 league and cup game a week sounds good to me.

Ok, sounds good to me.

I've had to reject the people that applied after the first 24. Please reapply and I should be able to approve your teams now that I have changed the cap to 30. Hopefully we'll have enough people onboard and I can set the wheels in motion tomorrow morning when I get to work. Then we can plan our tactics for the first games on Sunday!
Ok, we have 28 teams on board. I know people are getting impatient so please apply NOW if you still don't have a team so that we can have time to prepare for the first matches.
League has been set up!

Matches will be played from this Sunday! It also said there would be a cup tournament but I can't see anything about it now despite me confirming one. Perhaps it will start after the league begins? :confused:

I'm in the bottom league :(
I've challenged CliffyG to a friendly. Couldn't challenge many other people, seems a lot of people are getting ready for battle in "friendly" matches adlready.
For those that haven't read the rules on the site : training players is very important as it effects their form. The better the form, the better they will play. If you keep them in good form throughout the season then they will increase in skill relative to their average form throughout the season.
CliffyG said:
How do the games work exactly, are they interactive at all?

No, it's management only so you set up your tactics and off you go. You can watch the game afterwards though in a Football Manager style minute by minute thing as the match plays through which, shamefully, is quite exciting. My wife gets cross with me because I get out of my chair and shout when I'm losing :p
Frosti said:
Anyone know what prepared means in the match report?

"Prepared" means you have chosen what formation you think your opponent will play. If you get it right you have a slight edge over them, if you get it wrong they have a slight edge.
Something that is going on has got me stumped. How are people buying players today when the deadline isn't until midnight? Usually the all show up in the mornings but people have been buying players throughout the day it seems :confused:
Loki said:
how many are on the waiting list ?

There are five people on the waiting list now but unfortunately once the league is set up I cannot add extra divisions. However, if people stop playing their teams or drop out I can put people from the waiting list into those slots.
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