His behaviour was truly shocking, however in case the information hidden in his blathering went unnoticed he is actually correct about dual loops being just for show at the cost of some performance (though they do have the benefit of being able to do modification/maintenance on one component, plus multiple colours!).

I know im right as everything i have posted on Ocuk is not an Opinion, its factual, Tried and Tested through much experience with many sources available to prove what i state!:D
I know im right as everything i have posted on Ocuk is not an Opinion, its factual, Tried and Tested through much experience with many sources available to prove what i state!:D

No one said you was wrong.

This is a build log, not a help me thread as that's what my thread in water cooling is for.

By all means post recommendations and help in there as it will be appreciated.

I don't want any arguments in this thread.

I want to run 2 loops with 2 bay res/pump combo's, as when I decided on the case it was the first thing I thought of.

If its a bad call its my bad call :)
3 of these inbound

No. :p

No probs mucca, there is a YouTube video which I'll link when I get home :)


Mine have just arrived, the parcel feels like it is full of house bricks.:D

I really could do with 8 Packs help on this one, not to do any overclocking, but just to lift the computer with this lot fitted.:D
Do i not see sli connectors in that pic ? If not for the Gpus what do you plan to use them for?

Btw you guys must use the lights, they dont have to be blue remember :)
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