Yargh! Dicky pixels on iMac?

I don't want a refund, I want a dead pixel free screen!

There's three individuals in various parts of the screen, then a cluster in top right.
TNT wanted to pick up the first one yesterday afternoon, but then rang at 1.30 to say something like "the driver has left the area and can we find another time". I arranged for this afternoon between 1 and 5, to which he's just turned up. Do these people think we just sit in all day? It's a good job I'm still a student, just.

Apple have only just invoiced me for the 2nd replacement iMac, when I put the complaint in on Wednesday, I'm starting to get a bit annoyed with this - similarly they think I've got oodles of spare time just to be dealing with their deliveries back and forth!

Think they'll get a nice letter even if there's no dead pixels on the third one :)
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You guessed it...

Dots on the third one. After a 25 minute phone call and much complaining by me, the best they could offer was a refund and for me to go to a shop myself and get them to unbox one for me to check. My nearest Apple Store is an hour away if I want the HE discount...

They're getting a letter in the post tomorrow, also raising TNT's inability to keep to their times and having still not picked up the second one. She wanted me to fill in "electronic feedback" so it could be "forwarded to the right place". I declined and asked for the address to write to. I don't know how much free time they think people have.

I'm quite annoyed at the moment!
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Ask them to get the nearest Apple store to send you one. It's the least they could do.

You must be the unluckiest person I know. That said, I will never trust the iMac again.. the DVD drive is so touchy it's unbelievable. Mine died and nothing would fix it. To add insult to injury there was no manual-eject hole, so it had to be sent away :(

How about writing to Steve J? He has a tendancy to give out free Macs for this sort of thing..
You must be the unluckiest person I know. That said, I will never trust the iMac again.. the DVD drive is so touchy it's unbelievable. Mine died and nothing would fix it. To add insult to injury there was no manual-eject hole, so it had to be sent away :(

Did you not try holding the left mouse button when booting up?
They were not sympathetic at all, let's hope this letter can change their minds. I'm two weeks on with no computer and have spent countless days waiting for deliveries or pickups.

What's that Steve Jobs e-mail address, I might send a PDF copy of the actual letter I'm sending to it and see if I can grab anyone higher up at Apple.
TNT just turned up for the second one, again in the morning after arranging an afternoon slot. I told him it wasn't ready, why arrange a time if they're not going to stick to it. His response "Apple always arrange them in afternoons, but it's difficult for us to make it." I questioned this, saying it was surely TNT who made the arrangement?!

I told him it would be ready in half an hour, he chose to instead come back in morning after telling him I would be in! There was a surprise. He, the same driver, came at almost the exact time as last week.

Writing all this down so I don't forget it! :)

EDIT: He's just been to pick it up, maybe he does work afternoons!? Didn't look happy though, wonder if someone's told him to come out specially after I sent that e-mail...
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Ouch, it all sounds pretty bad.

Makes you wonder if any pixels were dodgy on mine.. the odds of having 3 dicky ones in a row are pretty high :(

His email is: [email protected]
I'll whack a PDF to that address when I've got it typed up as well as posting it. Got some lovely lines to put in with various subtle digs at stages of the procedure.

Suggesting that someone checks one and they then send it out, buttt... do I trust somebody else to check one properly?!
I wouldn't, but I have OCD.

I couldn't buy a item if I knew someone had already opened it.. unless I was there, and opened it myself. Post the letter here.. will make a good read :)
I wouldn't, but I have OCD.

I couldn't buy a item if I knew someone had already opened it.. unless I was there, and opened it myself. Post the letter here.. will make a good read :)

I am of the same feeling, nobody will check it like me, so I'd prefer to do it. Interesting to see if they'll offer it though. Will post it when I get it typed, taking a lot of effort at the moment.
You've made me paranoid enough to check my MBP and 2407 for dead/stuck pixels :p

Glad to report that there are none :D

To be perfectly honest, TNT are a bunch of cowboys. I'd take DHL, UPS, or even CityLink, over them any day of the week (or saturday) :)
I now have no iMacs in the house after a very good third collection by TNT today! Even had a little joke with the guy about how much he'd visited the house.

Delaying the letter writing for a few days, ball tonight and results tomorrow, but I'll get onto it ASAP, want a computer!
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