YARSL - Yet another riveting stronglifts log!

Back on it from Monday, still have some pain but have been doing mobility work for last 2 weeks, taking Naproxen and doing some light barbell work.

I swear I can see the loss of gains in the mirror from not working out for 2 weeks ;)
Workout - 26/01/2015 - 4310KG lifted

Well that was anything but pleasant, 17 days since last workout due to dodgy shoulder, feel like roadkill.

SL 5x5 app suggested a 20% deload as it's over 2 weeks since last week, took the advice and even struggled on the lower weights across all exercises.

However, I did hit all targets, so that's a minor positive.

Added in CGBP as since I quit the gym I haven't done dips and my triceps are a bit neglected.


  • Squats...hard.
  • Overhead press...hard.
  • Deadlifts...hard.


  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 40KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 57.5KG

Overhead Press

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 32.5KG


  • 1x5 @ 60KG warmup
  • 1x5 @ 70KG

Chin Ups (Neutral "easy" Grip)

Strict form, straight arms, dead hang start, pull up hard, lower myself down slowly back to a dead hang, next rep.

  • 2 reps @ BW
  • 2 reps @ BW
  • 2 reps @ BW

    Pathetic! :(

Close Grip Bench Press

  • 3x5 @ 30KG

Barbell Curls

  • 2x8 @ 27.5KG
Oh wow...i'm aching today the same as pretty much my first time after a real weight session a few years ago. What a difference two weeks makes.
Workout - 28/01/2015 - 5795KG lifted

Still aching quite a bit from Monday's workout but cracked on with no failures. Still on a 10-20% deload across the exercises as a result of the 2 week break.

Added in barbell shrugs just for fun as I had a lot of strength left at the end, should also passively help my deadlift ;)


  • Squats...better than Monday, still got achy legs though.
  • Bench Press...really struggled on last set of 5.
  • Bent Over Rows...rep/pause/rep/pause on last two sets.


  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 40KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 50KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 60KG

Bench Press

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 30KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 45KG

Bent Over Row

  • 1x5 @ 40KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 50KG

Barbell Shrugs

  • 2x12 @ 40KG
I'm putting SL5x5 on hold for a while as shoulder problem is back and persistent, making most workouts extremely painful. Doing lots of mobility work to try and help this.

For the moment i'm on a kind of hiatus :(
Shoulder hurts when squatting/deadlifting? :(

Try these...

Squats are ok as my arms are just balancing the bar, not much else.

Everything else is causing some degree of pain, doctors are useless, 3 visits now and i'm told to rest and take painkillers.

Might have to shell out some cash for an "expert" :)
Do you frequent sports clubs (i.e. football/rugdy) at all?

They're a reasonable place to start... otherwise, yes - google it... :(
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