YARSL - Yet another riveting stronglifts log!

14 Sep 2007
Time for me to start a log, might keep up the motivation when things get hard and you guys can hopefully push me along ;)

Current stats & goals

Age 35, 5'9", about 83kg, 22%'ish body fat...although body fat scales say 26%. Have been comparing my body to pics I see online on this link for verified body fats. http://paindatabase.com/body-fat/

Current goal is simply see how strong I can get before the end of 2015.

Current lifts are as follows (04/01/15):

Squat - 62.5KG
Bench - 42.5KG
Row - 50KG
OHP - 40KG
Deadlift - 80KG

History of lifts


Squat - 47.5KG
Bench - 35KG
Row - 42.5KG
OHP - 32.5KG
Deadlift - 65KG


Squat - 55KG
Bench - 40KG
Row - 47.5KG
OHP - 35KG
Deadlift - 70KG


Been going to the gym for just over 2 years since September 2012. Long story short have jumped from routine to routine on bro-splits and haven't gained any strength to speak of. At the start of 2014 I started doing calisthenics only, pull ups, dips, push ups, BW squats. I dropped a lot of fat ready for my wedding in May.

Since the wedding i've essentially done nothing and the belly is back and body fat is increasing.


Joined back into a gym in October, went for a few weeks but got frustrated with waiting for equipment. Made the decision to buy my own. Went online, found a good deal and now I own the following:

All sitting in my garage.


As it says in the title, i'm doing Stronglifts 5x5. I've added in some accessory work as well while the weights are low. Can imagine this may get dropped in the future as I start to struggle. We'll see.

Rotating A & B routines on a Mon/Wed/Fri schedule, then alternate the following week. Every routine gets hit 3 times in a 2 week period.

Routine A

  • 5x5 Barbell Squat
  • 5x5 Barbell Bench Press
  • 5x5 Barbell Row
  • 3 x Planks

Routine B

  • 5x5 Barbell Squat
  • 5x5 Overhead Barbell Press
  • 1x5 Deadlift
  • 3 sets of pull ups to failure
  • 2x8 Barbell Curl
  • 2x8 Hanging Knee Raise

All exercises increase by 2.5KG each workout, except deadlifts, they go up by 5KG at the start.


Not really changing much food wise, dropping out snacks, replaced with almonds/cashews.

Alcohol has gone down from 5/6 bottles beer/cider weekend nights to about 2 bottles total through the whole week.

Only supplementing with creatine right now as it's cheap and widely researched and recognised.

If you got this far, thanks for reading and hope you follow me in my journey.


TL;DR - another noob is on stronglifts.
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Good stuff - time to get strong :)

It's about time after dicking around for almost 2 and a half years :D

Good choice of trousers, cuz that ain't gonna be fitting for long. :D

It's a worry tbh, I already have larger upper legs as a leftover from being a tree surgeon 7 years ago and climbing daily with rope and leg spikes. While not much of the strength has remained, the size has.
Fairly easy workout last night.

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 35KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 50KG

Bench Press
  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 37.5KG

Bent Over Row
  • 5x5 @ 45KG...broke out in quite a sweat on the last set


3 x 70 second planks...these are a killer at the end, was actually shouting on the last 10 seconds of the final plank.
Keep up the good work. Very jelly of your home gym, wish I had the space, would save a lot of hassle!

It took a lot of effort and a lot of time to clean out the garage but it's really worth it.

The cold is a little off-putting as well but I use a fan heater during my warm up sets and then the actual workout keeps me warm enough.
Creatine can result in bloat, depending on how it's used...

But from personal experience, milk and wheat-based products (pasta, bread, etc.) are the worst culprits.

I've had the bloat from potatoes for as long as I can remember. The sweet variety tastes better and I feel no need to add any sauce. Only really started eating them the last few months though.

I've noticed cramps in my stomach since starting the Creatine though.

Cool...extra added benefit.
Just make sure you drink plenty with your creatine.

To be fair, however, there are colloquial reports of creatine causing "digestive disturbance" and so I'm not shocked, as such.

It could just be "one of those things" that happens... but how much are you taking in one go?

I'm taking 10g daily, as the suggested dose is 5g twice a day on the packet from TPW. Figured it shouldn't matter to be taking both at once, could this be the cause of the upset?

The reason for taking both doses at once is simply I forget when I wake in the morning so take it when I eat in the evening.
Okey doke...workout B finished, 3757KG lifted...as follows:

Squats - fairly easy

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 40KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 52.5KG

Overhead Press - starting to struggle but managed to hit 5x5 with good form.

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 35KG

Deadlift - first DL workout with a warmup set as i'm now @ 70KG.

  • 1x5 @ 60KG warmup
  • 1x5 @ 70KG

Chin Ups (Neutral "easy" Grip)

These kill me every single time. Could only do 9 total a month ago, now up to 12 total. It's little progress but i'm happy with it.

I'm very strict on form, straight arms, dead hang start, pull up hard, lower myself down slowly back to a dead hang then next rep.

  • 6 reps @ BW
  • 3 reps @ BW
  • 3 reps @ BW

Barbell Curls

  • 2x8 @ 25KG

Hanging Knee Raises - easy

  • 2x8 @ BW
I was really tired last night so pushed my workout to this afternoon. I'll miss my 2 day weekend rest period and do next workout Monday.


  • Squats are starting to get a little harder.
  • Bench press still feels simple.
  • Absolutely starting to love bent over rows.
  • Planks are evil, the devil came up with this simple, deceptive exercise.



  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 40KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 55KG

Bench Press

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 30KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 40KG

Bent Over Row

  • 1x5 @ 40KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 47.5KG


  • 3 x 1 @ 75 seconds each

Still loving the whole SL 5x5 program!
So it's all getting kinda hard now!


  • Squats are really starting to be a struggle in the last 2 sets.
  • Overhead press is a struggle from start to finish, really emphasising keeping a straight back and wrists.
  • Deadlifts are still manageable, however I think my grip will go before my posture.
  • Chin ups are always hard but i'm 1 rep up on last workout, woo hoo!
I hit targetted sets/reps on everything except Curls but they're just thrown in at the end for fun ;)



  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 40KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 57.5KG

Overhead Press

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 37.5KG


  • 1x5 @ 60KG warmup
  • 1x5 @ 75KG

Chin Ups (Neutral "easy" Grip)

Strict form, straight arms, dead hang start, pull up hard, lower myself down slowly back to a dead hang, next rep.

  • 6 reps @ BW
  • 4 reps @ BW
  • 3 reps @ BW

Barbell Curls

  • 1x8 @ 27.5KG
  • 1x7 @ 27.5KG

Hanging Knee Raises

  • 2x8 @ BW
Finally got around to a workout yesterday as i'd been hijacked by the missus over the last ten days, Ache like hell today. Even the app suggested a 10% deload as it had been a 10 day break, ignored it, went on with next working weight and hit it.

Will update later on with weights/reps/notes.

Nothing like telling your body who is boss and then feeling the complaints afterwards. :cool:

Yeah, as the morning has gone on at work, i'm feeling worse and worse. The inside of my upper thighs is the worst, want to cry when climbing stairs.

I'm just happy I hit the next progression on the working weights after 10 days off, regardless of how bad I feel now.
My last leg day made me wince when thinking about dropping anything, as it meant trying to reach down. Shows how little work my hamstrings get usually!

Luckily it's a quiet day, i'm a team leader so i'm delegating everything that requires walking upstairs ;)

So, yesterdays workout from memory.

Workout - 01/01/2015


  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 40KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 50KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 60KG

Bench Press

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 30KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 42.5KG

Bent Over Row

  • 1x5 @ 40KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 50KG


  • 1 @ 80 seconds
  • 1 @ 80 seconds
  • 1 @ 80 seconds
Seem to be a day behind on my logs lately.


  • Squats are getting tough.
  • Overhead press really really hard, slight banana back on final set.
  • Deadlifts are still easy breezy.
  • Chin ups absolute fail. Thinking of dropping these or doing once at weekends as everything else gets tougher.

I hit targeted sets/reps on everything except Chin ups but they are only to failure.

Workout - 03/01/2015 - 4737KG lifted


  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 40KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 52.5KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 62.5KG

Overhead Press

  • 2x5 @ 20KG warmup
  • 1x3 @ 30KG warmup
  • 5x5 @ 40KG


  • 1x5 @ 60KG warmup
  • 1x5 @ 70KG warmup
  • 1x5 @ 80KG

Chin Ups (Neutral "easy" Grip)

Strict form, straight arms, dead hang start, pull up hard, lower myself down slowly back to a dead hang, next rep.

  • 5 reps @ BW
  • 3 reps @ BW
  • 1 reps @ BW

Barbell Curls

  • 1x8 @ 27.5KG
  • 1x8 @ 27.5KG
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I was only really doing planks as they are on the app as an extra ab workout, every little helps and all that.

I thought i was doing them ok, as you said though, I was just holding the position, not squeezing glutes until the last 20 seconds or so when I was getting really tired.

So you're essentially saying, contract and squeeze the glutes from start to finish, am I reading that right? Without that constant activation, i'm just going to get good at planks and not much else?
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