Yelllow tinge on my new Samsung UR59C2

Hi James,

Well it appears we are getting a bit further so that's good news. I use that profile type so no issue with that. seems odd you cannot get a gamma reading,

Few things to think about!
Did you uninstall the sypder in-house software? it might still be running in the background and having a punch up with display Cal

The device profile option you mentioned should be on sRGB IEC61966-2.1 i think

To be honest other than working out what options did what its been really simple my end. Given the issues I'm half in mind to say to do a fresh install of windows 10, the issue with the colour management system it appears not to have a restore to default mode, so if something is going wrong inside that system it could take a while to find the issue and fix it.
Yes Spyder is out. I don't get why the profile is now affecting other apps. When you calibrate your monitor do you get distorted colors at the end? Is it not enough to simply balance the RGB colors and color temperature? if I use my SpyderX .icm i don't get the same problems which makes me think if there is an issue with the icm DisplayCal makes. I would imagine this is it. But what exactly could be wrong.
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i don't get any distortions of colour at any point, which is the thing that i cannot understand why its happening to you. Maybe check online if its a Spyder pro issue with display cal???

I use the colormunki and it just works, so not sure if its how display cal works and the Spyder
Take a look Look how bad the black background of windows gets underneath the forum chrome window. Never mind the brightness going crazy.

Can you make anything of the results shown? I've noticed Spyder doesn't work natively and I need to install the ArgyllCMS drivers. Do you need to install these too?

I might return Spyder and try my luck with Colormunki. I have wasted too much time now. I am too deep into it to stop
yeah the colourmunki still uses the argyllcms drivers, but i have not had any issues.

Something is defo not right as the gamut coverage looks fine (very good), but the volume seems higher than it should plus the delta average is way to high. It might be linked to the gamma not reading correctly, so when it attempts to correct it forces a way to high correction.

At this point it might be worth sending the Spyder back and getting the colourmunki, at worst you will be in the same place, at best it will resolve the issue.
I'll try a bit find a solution on the DisplayCal forum, failing that i'll send the SpyderX back.

I am thinking of fetching the X-Rite i1Display Studio. Isn't this in the same family as the colormunki?
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