Yet another newbie question

Ok it seems It wont let me raise my fsb past 265 or raise the multi more than x10, Vcore is currently at 1.5.. Should I lower the cpu multi to 9 and try to see if the fsb will go any higher, or just leave it at that. Im happy how it is currently, but im open to suggestions :D
Joe42 said:
What do you mean won't let you?
Is it unstable past that or is there no option to raise it any further?
Leave the cpu multi at 10.

Sorry, I shoulda been clearer.. Its unstable when I raise FSB or Multi any higher. It either randomly restarts or doesnt make it to windows.
Joe42 said:
I'll go and have a read in a moment, but with an A64 you never really need to change the cpu multi.

Anyway, raise the volts a bit and that will make it stable. Use prime to check that its stable. Then keep raising the fsb untill either volts of temps go too high.
ram should be on a divider and htt should be at 3. Easy. ;)

Ya my ram is on a divider and is still under 200fsb, I guess I could raise the vcore abit more, as its only at 1.5v.
Joe42 said:
I would leave it at 1.5 for now. Didn't realise it was that high.

What speed are you stable at now with the vcore at 1.5?

In the bios, it says 1.4125, but on cpu-z and pc probe, it says its at 1.5. It can only be raised by 0.125 at a time aswell. I cant raise the fsb past 265 without it resetting or not reachin windows.
Joe42 said:
Raise it a little more to 1.45 in the bios and see if that helps.

Edit: hang on, don't do that just yet.
is there an overvolt option in the bios?
If there is it disable it, it may be adding some volts to the vcore.

The only option in the CPU OC is this option CPU Vcore Offset, but the only options there are +100mv and +200mv, its at +100mv default.
Joe42 said:
Leave cpu vcore offset disabled, there will be a proper voltage adjustment somewhere. Try setting overclocking to manual or something and you should see a cpu vcore option.

Ya thats how ive been doing it, it only goes upto 1.45v in the Vcore options ( which seems to be 1.55V, when in windows). I cant disable the offset as it only has two options 100mv or 200mv.
Joe42 said:
That board is wierd as hell.

Any new bios's floating around for it? Check the asus website...

From my experience with various a8ns it shouldn't be like that.

Ive updated it to the newest one aswell.. I guess im outa luck, untill I decide to buy a new one.
Upstream LDT Bus Width - [16 bit] 8 bit
Downstream LDT Bus Width - [16 bit] 8 bit
LDT Bus Frequency - [600hz] 800mhz, 600mhz, 400mhz, 200mhz
VLink Mode Selection - [By Auto] Mode 0, Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3, Mode 4
PEG Data Scrambling - [Auto] Disable, Enable
PE0-PE3 Data Scrambling - [Enable] Disable
Init Display First - [PCI Slot] PCIEx
Chipset Vcore Adjustment - [+1.5V] +1.5V to +1.6V

DRAM Config

Timing Mode - [Manual] Auto
Memclock Index Value - [133mhz] 200mhz, 166mhz, 133mhz, 100mhz
CAS# Latency (Tcl) - [2.5] 2, 3
Min RAS# active time (Tras) - [7T] 5T to 15T
RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd) - [3T] 2T to 7T
Row Precharge time (Trp) [3T] 2T to 7T
1T/2T Memory Timing - [1T] 1T
MTRR mapping Mode - [Continuous] Discrete

Jumperfree Config

Overclocking Profile - [Manual] Auto, Standard, AI OC, AI ***
CPU Multiplier - [10x] Auto, 4x to 11.5x
Hammer vid control - [1.4125] 1.45V and lower
Memory voltage adjustment - [2.8V] 2.6V to 3.0V
CPU VCore offset - [+100mv] +200mv

Frequency Config
Spread Spectrum - [Disable] Auto, Enable
PCIEx Clock sync to CPU [Disabled]
PCIEx clock 100mhz
PCI clock sync to CPU [Disabled]
PCI clock 33mhz
CPU Clock - [260mhz] from 200mhz to 400mhz

Hope that helps
Joe42 said:
Thats a very wierd bios.

I have no idea what 'Hammer vid control' is.
And it looks like its got voltage adjustments for the chipset but not the cpu :confused:

A few things i have spotted tho.
Upstream and downstream LDT Bus Width should be 16 rather than 8.
Cpu multi should be higher than 10, i believe it should be 11.

Leave it at that, see what the vcore is and then see how high you can get the fsb before prime fails.

The ones in the [ ] are my settings.. Hammer Vid Control is actually the vcore settings. You told me to leave the CPU multi at 10 and not change it :confused: It wouldnt go to 11 either.. When I either raise FSB or CPU Multi, it doesnt make it to windows.
Joe42 said:
Put the fsb back to 200 and raise the cpu multi to 11 or whatever the max is.

Whats the vcore at the moment?

Well its at 1.4125 in the bios, then add the 100mv, so its currently at 1.5v altogether lol... I'll go through all the stage again, what you said to do.. Damn I need a new board, where i dont get this much hassle lol.
Joe42 said:
No need for a new board. Once this one is overclocked you need never go into the bios again. ;)

I think 1.5 is ok, lets take that as the max voltage because you wouldn't normally go much over that anyway. Are temps ok at that voltage?

Next, raise the fsb until it fails prime95, and then lower the fsb just a little so its passing prime. Let me know what speed that gets you.

Ok I will do that.. My temps are ok with 1.5V.. Max ive seen it go to is around 35-40c
Defcon5 said:
I had one of those boards, completley hit a brick wall at 266 HTT.

Cant remember what revision it was though

I guess im in the same boat there.. I guess I should look at a new mobo, maybe.. Should I make a new thread in the mobo section or ask here, what people think, of a good OC board.
ok one last question. In the Overclock guide, it says the higher you can get FSB, the better.. Yet you told me to start again with the OC, but make my multi higher, thus this will make my fsb lower, before I hit a wall again. So im kinda confused on which route to take. :confused: If you get what I mean, that is.
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Well After testing, it seems you were right.. My board has limited my max FSB to 260. I dont know if to leave it at that. It does fine at 2600(260x10). The temps seem fine too. Thanks for the help with this.
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