Yewen's months in thoughts on the S80b

yes - you have to use the silly 'nipples' to secure media drives etc. If you read the main s80b post you will see that i had some problems in this area :o
aha! thanks hotdog, i scratched my head for an hour or so last night and decided to go to bed in the end. will play with the nipples tonight :D
guys seriously thinking of this case now, but just a question will 2 x 1900xt fit into this case comfortably?

and secondly, i don't mind noise but i hate DUST, so are there any dust filters with this case and do they really work?

if not can someone recommend me dust proof case please :D

No dust filters which I wasn't too impressed by. Easy enough to attach filters to the front 120s though or the side vents. However, despite not doing this yet the case is suprisingly dust free after 2 months.

As posted earlier, I was surprised by the close fit of my x1800xt. I don't find the area around the motherboard to be that spacious.

If you "don't mind noise" its a lot of money to spend on a quiet case. I'm sure somebody will recommend something more suitable.
Its prob the best case around . You can mod it easily to become dust free. You shouldnt have any problems with the gpu sizes, if it doesnt fit in this case you can rest assured its not going to fit in any other (bar a cm stacker obviously)!
The case does conform to the latest ATX specs, so it should fit anything else which conforms.

If your after a low noise rig then they are brilliant, but if noise does not bother you then look at an A10, A11, B20.... Lian Li have lots of similar doored cases now, and are cheaper with the benefit of offering slightly better cooling.
hotdog/Yewen, another n00b question I forgot to ask ... you know the multitude of grey sleeved cables attached to the case (IEEE etc)? Do I actually need to attach these to my mobo (DS4) or are they for people fitting IEEE expansion cards or something? Each of the 3 cables has about 15 or so tiny connectors on it ... I don't see anywhere to plug these :confused:
Only need to connect if you want to use the port, there should also be a big connector which most moterboards let you use.

If your motherboard has onboard firewire then just plug it into that, otherwise do not worry about it.

Your motherboard manual should explain it all.
OMG. My mobo certainly has onboard firewire (3 ports I think) but I don't see anywhere to plug all those tiny one-pin connectors, there must be 50 of them in total including the usb ones. I studied the manual and still didn't see anywhere to plug it all. I'll read it again.

Or am I getting confused? Are these only if I want to use the case ports? If I don't want to use the case ports and just the mobo ports these don't need to be plugged in?

I must sound thick [looks for blushes emoticon]
Those are for the ports on the top of the case, and only need to be connected to use them.

The USB headers should have a big connector and lots of little ones aswell? You only need to use the big one.

What mobo do you have, I can get a piccy and circle where you plug them in then? :D
I have the Gigabyte GA_965P_DS4 (Socket 775) PCI-Express DDR2 Motherboard (MB-062-GI). Thanks Yewen a diagram would be fantastic :D


Hope that helps, they are where the circles are, 1394 is the firewire and one big header should go onto one of them, and the USB should also fit on with one big header, just ignore the little pins.


Wrong motherboard but you can see I do not use the little pins. :)

Hope that helps.
OK, I got windows installed, which has to be a success for any first timer! :D

Couple of teething problems though:

1. The IDE cable supplied with the mobo won't reach to the optical drive bays. What size are you using Yewen/hotdog/others with this case? I think you can't go longer than 90cm right?

2. There is only one IDE slot on my mobo, but I have 2 x IDE optical drives and 2 x IDE HDD's (as well as my 2 x SATA's). How to I connect all 4 IDE devices?? :confused:
Aha, maybe a card which plugs into PCI slot can give me some extra IDE connections? But, I only have 2 x PCI slots - one is used by my souncard and the other by my wireless card :(

What about some kind of SATA to IDE converter :confused:
DCat said:
1. The IDE cable supplied with the mobo won't reach to the optical drive bays. What size are you using Yewen/hotdog/others with this case? I think you can't go longer than 90cm right?
I used the standard one, 60 should be fine.

2. There is only one IDE slot on my mobo, but I have 2 x IDE optical drives and 2 x IDE HDD's (as well as my 2 x SATA's). How to I connect all 4 IDE devices?? :confused:
Then your motherboard only supports 2x IDE devices. :(

Classic Dcat, post at same time as me!

If you do not have the slots free, you could try and get a PCIE 1x raid card that supports IDE, may be a pain to hunt down.

To be honest the cheapest thing to do is to sell the IDE drives and replace them with SATA ones.
LOL about the post time. Reckon I might investigate these connectors which plug in the IDE HDD and allow it to connect to SATA. But I see your point about cost!
Thoses IDE to SATA connectors do not work on all drives, make sure it is compatable first.

(Guess who did'nt :D)
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