Yodel - Speaking to a person

Apparently he reckons there was no way to see this damage without plugging it in. I'm not really an expert on monitors so I can't quite tell from that photo.

He did say his previous monitor has just **** its pants and died hence this purchase.

I'm no monitor expert either but if I had a monitor with a hole in the side of the screen with a huge crack over it, it'd be pretty blindingly obvious to me it was ******.
Seeing that makes me sad :( Those are good monitors. It does not look like dropping the box would have caused that damage.

Do you have a link to the auction?
Looks like something thin hit it with a large force. No way that's been done by a delivery driver, looks too deliberate imo.

Also the corner is pretty much the strongest part of the screen so it seems odd to see it damaged like that.

Worth asking for more pics..
looks like its been stabbed with something. The way its damaged would suggest it hasn't been dropped. if you packaged it well as you say then even if it had of been dropped, the way it would have been damaged would have been different.
That's what I'm thinking. Looking at this photo it does seem as if it's been jabbed with something fine like a pen. It was pretty much impossible for that to happen as I made damn sure it was protected with two sheets of quite thick cardboard, bubble wrap and about 20 carrier bags. I'm still awaiting the photos.
The auction was here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130568649107&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:GB:1123

Those photos aren't really the best given the situation.

I've asked him to send me a few photos of the box and the back of the monitor.
Yeah, you can't tell any difference from the photos. For a second I thought the broken monitor was a standard 2407WFP rather than your 2407WFP-HC, but on closer inspection it's definitely the HC version.
He did mention that the box looked a bit worse for wear. Am I right in thinking he should have either inspected it while the courier was there or rejected it if it showed obvious signs of damage in transit?

I think it would be best to say yes to this. If the package looked battered or worse for wear there is no way he should have accepted it, at least not without checking the goods in front of the driver
Right, he's sent these photos of the box: http://imgur.com/a/UiXOq

The box was definitely NOT in that condition when they picked it up.

It's the same monitor, it has the PAT label on the back. Interestingly, that scuff on the back of the monitor above the label was definitely not there before. And he reckons the front of the monitor is completely smooth and unblemished.

It does look like an impact from here, but still, it would have had to have quite considerable force behind it to cause that.
To me that pic looks like the screen itself is actually broken so I don't understand wy he claims it doesn tshow until u turn the monitor on.

If that was indeed the way he received the parcel he should NEVER have accepted that at all, I know I wouldn't and im sure many others wouldn't either

Looks like its the couriers fault, did you send via insured delivery ?
Although those photos are of the back of your monitor, you don't know if it's the same monitor as the broken one. Although, as you said, it is interesting that there's a scuff on the back that wasn't there before.

I would have opened the box up and checked the monitor before signing for it if the box arrived looking like that.
Next time, don't use a "Surgical Gown" sticker. Use something like "Herpes Vials - FRAGILE". That'll make em think twice about lobbing your parcel around.

Still I'm not surprised about this.

Ordered a book a week ago and the driver was an absolute sneaky *******.

I watched him walk up to my door and he posted a note through my letterbox (no doorbell/intention to deliver the package), he then walked over to my neighbours house and left my damaged package with her. Went to look at the note and it said the package has been left with my neighbour. :rolleyes:

Went and collected my package a few seconds later and it looked as if it had been put through a shredder. Nice way to put the liability on someone else, ****ing con artists.

So far Yodel has had 100% failure rate for me (3 deliveries) so I now avoid them at all costs, same with CityLink.
Had to call individual depots a few times.

1. Go to http://www.saynoto0870.com/search.php.
2. Type in "HDNL" (Old name for Yodel).
3. Find appropriate depot and ring number. (Go for the local number, not the 0871 one)

Much better than their hotline, and the depot staff are generally much more helpful, though they can be run off their feet, so be understanding lol.
Had to call individual depots a few times.

1. Go to http://www.saynoto0870.com/search.php.
2. Type in "HDNL" (Old name for Yodel).
3. Find appropriate depot and ring number. (Go for the local number, not the 0871 one)

Much better than their hotline, and the depot staff are generally much more helpful, though they can be run off their feet, so be understanding lol.

Thanks mate, will give them a ring in the morning.
Ask for some more pictures from the buyer, specifically with the monitor unplugged and turned off; showing the front of the monitor.

You never know, he might be trying to scam his way through this one and that prank with the broken desktop screen wall paper just sprung to mind. Just a thought, considering the "weirdness" of the breakage.
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