Your bad driving encounters

3 Aug 2015
I thought there was another recent thread like this but couldn’t find it. Mods please merge if there is one.

So post your encounters with dodgy drivers in here.

Today I saw three people jump different red lights within the space of about 10 minutes.

Also had the usual experiences of people driving in the middle lane of a motorway not overtaking anyone today, crossing over the opposite lane when making a right turn and braking because someone else braked 500 meters up the road but the road is empty in front of them.

It’s honestly like whacky races around here.
Not quite a bad encounter but I did see someone trying to de-ice a windscreen by pressing their hand against it, presumably trying to use body heat. That's all they did, no scraping, no sprays, no cold water, just bare flesh.
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Not quite a bad encounter but I did see someone trying to de-ice a windscreen by pressing their hand against it, presumably trying to use body heat. That's all they did, no scraping, no sprays, no cold water, just bare flesh.
It was on TV. Top gear maybe.
Once the glass has warmed slightly the warmth spreads and it defrosts.
Obviously won’t work at -7!
i live in a rural farm area so all the roads are terrible, there are constant blind corners and it takes both drivers to co-operate with such narrow lanes.

back when i started driving in the late 90`s other drivers could mostly actually drive properly.

but now it is like the other cars are being driven by a race of brain dead zombies who never want to slow down, go way too fast for the type of road, have no patience, want to stay in the middle of the road forcing you to drive in a ditch and generally being stupid.
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It was on TV. Top gear maybe.
Once the glass has warmed slightly the warmth spreads and it defrosts.
Obviously won’t work at -7!

It was pretty thick ice and in darkness so no warmth from the sun either.

Instead of sitting there revving the boobs off the dirty diesel it'd have been quicker just to scrape it off.
It was pretty thick ice and in darkness so no warmth from the sun either.

Instead of sitting there revving the boobs off the dirty diesel it'd have been quicker just to scrape it off.
Diesels are a nightmare to warm up.
passing through Edinburgh, a number of years back, very late at night, a fiat 500 all over the road, and as it passed my I seen it swerve into a crossing island and total!

I turned back and got out, there were 2-3 other people who turned up too, the girl, was a student and totally, totally drunk, i mean, REALLY drunk.

I didnt see the outcome for the police, but im assuming with her, then the car, must have got jail time?
I was driving through Leeds once with my window open listening to a podcast about Elon Musk and his Twitter takeover.

Suddenly this guy with massive arms and lion tattoos, who just happened to be taking a poorly person to hospital, jumped on my bonnet and started ranting and raving that people shouldn't say nasty things about Elon.

I think it was Antifa.
Seen loads of idiots on the road, but the most recent one was 2 days ago. I was in a work vehicle which have devices fitted to them which light up like a Xmas tree if you brake too hard, accelerate too hard, turn too hard etc etc. It also monitors speed and feeds back to the control where you are disciplined if you exceed the speed - they are fricking awful!

Lincolnshire roads, so miles of single carriageway with rare dual carriageways. I'm bimbling along at the speed limit, dual carriageway opens up and i overtake a lorry. Tesla driver comes tanking up behind me, he's that close i can't see his bonnet but i can see him very clearly in my rear view. I can't/won't accelerate above the speed limit.

As soon as i pass i start to pull over, i hear him sounding the horn, he'd rocketed into the nearside so he could undertake me! I had to throw my car back into the fast lane, the device lights up and all i see is him tear arsing ahead.

Why? Why nearly kill yourself and others?
Haven't really had anything for a while. One thing almost annoyed me while driving home the other night though. I was on a 3 lane stretch of motorway and a lorry was overtaking another lorry so lanes 1 and 2 were eaten up and I moved to lane 3 to overtake. Had my cruise control on at 70mph when some tool flew right up behind me then flashed me to move out of the way before I'd even finished overtaking the lorry. All it made me do was made sure I took my sweet ol' time moving back over to lane 1 once I had passed the lorries.
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Where would I start?

Being a truck driver, I see all sorts day in, day out the height of the cab gives me a sometimes surprising perspective of what’s going on in cars, putting it another way, I frequently see people of both sexes pleasuring themselves whilst driving!

I could (perhaps should) write a book! :D
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Was nearly rear ended a couple of weeks back by a guy in a Tiguan who was so drunk he was vomiting out of the window.

The standard of driving around here is so terrible that someone has to do something really bad for it to actually stick in my memory or for me to react to it in any way.
Poor light discipline seems to be the in thing right now. Especially last weekend when we had thick fog. Usually you can't stop people using their fog lights, then when they might actually be of use, they don't use any lights at all. Boggles my mind.
I fear if I started typing from my encounters just this week I'd be old and grey when I finished.

Yeah I could literally write pages.

On my way to work a few days ago was in a queue of traffic at temporary lights, I was 4th in the queue and an ambulance about 10 cars behind me lit up just as the lights changed - 2 of the cars in front of me went before they'd have really noticed it but the 3rd one really should have held back - as I stopped to let it through the person behind me went to go around me, then realised only after they'd started to manoeuvre and I noticed 3-4 cars in the queue did similar but actually half-way or more into the other side of the road before they realised why the person in front of them hadn't moved... then had to try and reverse out the way holding the ambulance up momentarily...

On the other hand a couple of weeks back while queued in heavy traffic at the end of the dual-carriageway that goes into the town I work in when an unmarked police car stuck their lights and siren on the whole queue made a lane down the middle as one perfectly in sync - I couldn't believe it.
I was driving on a single carriageway and had to turn left into a narrow entrance and someone was coming out of this entrance and turning right. So I indicated and stopped to obviously let them drive out and they started pulling out.

At this point another car had come up behind me (a BMW 3 series) but instead of stopping, they drove onto the opposite side of the road to overtake. This lead to an inevitable near miss with the BMW driver literally having to drive onto a grass verge to avoid a collision.

So now with his car stopped half on the road and half in a grass verge, the BMW driver leant on his horn in anger. This muppet in the BMW genuinely thought they had right of way.
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