This was a few months back now and to be fair it actually rattled me quite a bit and I preferred to forget about this one.
I went out for a drive one Saturday evening in the I-Pace, just a fun drive, not the drive it like I stole it fun, but the just driving on country B roads for driving sake fun. A Skoda Yeti started tail gating me despite me doing 50 mph in an NSL road. Now before anyone tries the "you should be doing 60", this was a proper twisty coast road and in the turns this Yeti was slowing right down and falling quite a bit back. Then in the few longer straights they would accelerate back to 60 and catch me up again. There were a few occasions they could have overtook but for some reason they preferred to sit behind me and tailgate.
Eventually they decided they would overtake on a fairly dangerous part of the road, or at least I thought they were overtaking. Instead they pulled out as if to overtake but sat at 50mph off my right rear quarter in the other oncoming lane. So I slowed down to 40 to let them get past me and they also slowed down and still sat there in the wrong lane not overtaking. It was a very surreal feeling, like watching some very odd behavior that just leaves you aghast at the stupidity of some people.
After a few seconds I noticed the telltale beams of light of an oncoming car approaching around a blind bend. With this Yeti in the Yeti still sitting just off my drivers side and not overtaking. Sensing a major head-on I slammed the brakes to allow the Yeti to get in to the correct lane ahead of me, but they decided to also brake hard, meaning I had to accelerate again to get out of their way and they just about pulled in behind me, narrowly missing the head-on crash.
Now they are flashing lights at me like I did something wrong and still tailgating. Eventually we come to a dual carriageway and they still sat behind me at which point I to slowed down to about 20mph, hoping they would go past. Instead they just sat behind me flashing lights and tailgating. I ended up accelerating up to 70ish with them eventually speeding to catch up and begin tailgating again. At the next roundabout I indicated left but at the last second I did a hard right 180 round the roundabout leaving them zero reaction time to do the same move. I speed off in the opposite direction genuinely perplexed at the behaviour of some people, just wondering what their thought processes were to do that.
I was wondering was I wrong to brake when the incoming traffic showed, but we were almost side by side at that point. Maybe they thought I broke on purpose to put them in danger but if that were true why didn’t they overtake safely when I slowed to let them in.
Just totally odd and the kind of scenario you read about some person hospitalised or even killed over some road rage attack by an angry moron.