Your bad driving

Every once in a blue moon, despite having lived and driven in an LHD country for four year, I find myself about to pull out of a car park onto the wrong side of the road.
I've never brake checked someone and won't normally pull over, etc. for them but I had someone doing it so badly the other day, even setting off the rear proximity sensors at times, I did multiple tap the brakes just to illuminate them and when that didn't work pulled into the next junction when I had a chance because it was just so likely to result in an avoidable accident if anything unexpected happened. Funny thing was I think they thought I was going to road rage them as they stopped short, hesitated then backed up to take the other road off instead rather than pass me :s

Was the car on French plates? Pulling right up to your rear bumper before moving out to overtake is standard here.
Was the car on French plates? Pulling right up to your rear bumper before moving out to overtake is standard here.

Was dark but I rarely got a chance to see their plates LOL they were so close. It was an older MG style sports car as well which likely didn't have great brakes so even more worrying they were so close.
When I first started trucking I got lost and needed to stop for a break and in a panic I thought I was going past the point of return to find somewhere to stop before running out of hours. Ended up swinging into a petrol station to try and turn around only to find out I was too tall to fit under so had to reverse out into rush hour traffic. Luckily the guys in the station gave me a hand stopping the traffic so I could get out. Ended up causing a bit of a jam and lots of angry faces behind the wheel but you live and learn!

With a car you can get out of most things but it is very easy to get knee deep in excrement in a truck very quickly!
I find motorway driving boring so I'm typically on adaptive cruise control doing 70, and in efficiency mode. I always move back into lane 1 when clear and I'm not needing to pull into 2 again immediately, but I get so fed up of the idiotic middle lane drivers who will be alongside your rear quarter panel doing 71mph. I end up increasing the cruise little by little which makes them increase to justify staying in the middle because they're 'overtaking'. Before they know it they're doing 80 which they're not comfortable doing otherwise they would have over taken me some time ago!
When I first started trucking I got lost and needed to stop for a break and in a panic I thought I was going past the point of return to find somewhere to stop before running out of hours. Ended up swinging into a petrol station to try and turn around only to find out I was too tall to fit under so had to reverse out into rush hour traffic. Luckily the guys in the station gave me a hand stopping the traffic so I could get out. Ended up causing a bit of a jam and lots of angry faces behind the wheel but you live and learn!

With a car you can get out of most things but it is very easy to get knee deep in excrement in a truck very quickly!
Saw a massive transporter pull down a road near me that I knew would be hell for the driver. Didn't see him come back so he must have made it so fairplay!
I've spun my RWD R34 Skyline leaving a roundabout due to stupidity and bad luck, without causing any damage other than ruined pants. I say stupidity because it was cold night and the gritters had been out so I should have been more careful on the power, and bad luck because whilst none of the roads upto the roundabout were gritted (making them slippy) the gritter heading towards me had used the roundabout to double-back away from me so the exit was full of grit which I wasn't expecting as there was none before it.

I've also twice ended up in a farmers field at very low speeds, once accidentally in a mondeo and once "on purpose" in my R34 and both times had to be towed out.

Accidentally - I was new to an area and thought I was driving down a perfectly straight B-Road at night-time that I driven down earlier in the daytime, only it was a parallel B-Road with a "chicane" which I approached at 50mph and couldn't stop so, as there was a farmers field infront of me, I just kept going straight, managing to drop to about 10mph and into a freshly ploughed field getting stuck.

On Purpose - On another B-road, again at night, I'd missed a turn and wanted to do a u-turn so saw a gap in the hedgerow that I could use to to do the 3-point turn, only as soon as my nose went into the field the wet ground heavily sloped away and I slowly slid about 10ft into the field at 1mph and couldn't get out again, needed yet another tow.

Touch wood been fine for nearly 20 years now!
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My first bit of bad driving ended up teaching me quite a lot about respecting the road & conditions.

In the early 2000s, first in my group of mates to own a car with a GTi badge and over 100bhp.

Anyway showing off, blasting down country lanes in the wet and smashed into a 3ft wide pothole which grabbed the wheel and tore it clean off the car at 80+.

Flipped the car and totaled it although I somehow walked away without a scratch.

It probably should have killed me so I took that as the universe saying 'you get one and one only'
Going up a slip road behind a very slow car who didn't realise they are meant to be used to get upto traffic speed to allow easier merging.

Anyways, I took a look pre-merge and all seemed fine so I accelerated hard and went straight into lane 2 (3 lane m-way) to only just avoid hitting a large Range Rover whos bonnet was pretty much at my rear 1/4.

I hadn't even seen him slightly further back already in lane 2 :o. Thankfully he took action to prevent the collision and I put my hazards on and gave a very apologetic wave out the driver side window... The chap was very understanding considering - he gave a wave back realising it was a screw up and not intentional.

I don't mind people that make mistakes as 5hey do happen but, if you do, then at least apologise rather than actually giving aggro (rude gestures etc) to the vehicle you nearly hit... It turn you it from a genuine mistake to you being a ****
What we need is a universally recognised hand sign for "that was my fault, sorry mate" as a wave doesnt quite cut it if they also dont see your face/body language. If you blantantly pull out on someone, and they see your wave as "thanks for letting me out" its even more irritating.
A mistake I made in the late 70s put two people in hospital however the driver behind me got blamed for everything.

Long version
I was overtaking a bus just pulling off from a bus stop but realised I wasn't going to make it so slammed my brakes on.
The car behind rammed into me and we both crawled into a side street.
Two people on the bus fell over and had to go to hospital.
The other driver ran off and when they caught him he'd stole the car so everything got pinned on him because they had no idea I had emergency braked and just thought he'd drove into me.
I still think about it now and what a **** I was.

I've had a couple of others where I've overtaken and then I've just made it before a head on, these were really close.
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In 11 years driving so far I've clipped someone's wing mirror. Going to shift some blame on this one as person on the other side of the road decided to proper squeeze me despite having loads of room. (I could have stopped though)
The other was straight up me reversing into another car not looking properly (luckily/unluckily) my reverse light hit their tow bor. my car needed a new bumper while theirs was fine.
37 years of driving and no way would i pass the driving test these days. I have many bad habits and lack of patience unfortunately.
That's weird, isn't it?

Ironically, he was one of the few respondents who haven't warped the intention of this thread by immediately blaming someone else's driving for the thing that they did. :D
My best is probably the time I started my keyless car with foot on the clutch, immediately lifted it off having forgotten it was in gear and let it drive slowly but purposefully straight through the fence it was parked against

Also hit a tree in the rain about a month after getting my first car (only at a guess of 20-30mph, but trees don't move). A learning experience.....
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In 11 years driving so far I've clipped someone's wing mirror. Going to shift some blame on this one as person on the other side of the road decided to proper squeeze me despite having loads of room. (I could have stopped though)
The other was straight up me reversing into another car not looking properly (luckily/unluckily) my reverse light hit their tow bor. my car needed a new bumper while theirs was fine.

There is a place on my way to work where cars park on one side (the opposite side to me going to work) narrows the road and everyone treats it like first to the line despite that not being what the highway code says... OK sometimes you have to be a bit pragmatic but still. Anyhow if I judge there is enough room for both of us I'll continue and quite often the other person it seems has lesser judge of space and isn't comfortable (shouldn't have gone if that was the case) with a couple of people doing emergency stops and cases where I'm pretty sure the other car has clipped a wing mirror panicking about the amount of room.
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I booted it in my car on a piece of road I know (motorway) where there is rarely any traffic and I got to around 130mph indicated before I bottled it. Too fast.
thought i would see what happens when you handbrake turn over a speed bump in the wet ..... you stuff a rear stub-axle is what.
* 23 at the time, deserted road, lesson learned.
Oh well, if we're going historical - I once reversed my car up my parents driveway at speed, not knowing that the passenger door was ajar. It swung open and got ripped off by a tree.
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