Your current Fish tank Setups!

I understand the initial startup cost would be high, at a rough guess I'd say about £10k. The time part is the problem I have, I wouldn't want to spend hours a week cleaning and sorting out the water, which is why I'd be looking to hire someone to do that, leaving me to enjoy the tank, feed the fish and do minor bits and pieces.:)

The point is it would be a feature "wall" in the main living area (put in at the same time as a house renovation) so the cost wouldn't feel as much of an issue in the same way a normal tank would be. It'll be a year or so before I contemplate it seriously anyway, plenty of time to look up marine tank systems and processes (I used to have a tropical tank - I understand marine is much harder).

In all seriousness if you can not be bothered/dont have the time to maintain a tank then you should not have one -especially Marine.
Part of getting fish is actually understanding the environment you are putting them in , and the needs of that environment and how to make it sustainable.

I have a 240l Tropical tank and even that required a lot of research to setup, stock and maintain. Its not enough just to know you need to do a water change for example - its learning why you have to do it thats important.
Marine is on a whole new level, you need to factor in the installation of a RO unit in your house, the sump, auto-topper, protein skimmers etc....and this is before you have even thought about lighting, the cycle and stocking.

Guppy randomly dead this morning. healthy as anything yesterday when i had a sit down with them.... Even dead he looked perfectly healthy (well besides being dead)

Must be all this heat. Water is in perfect condition :/. The guppy was from the first lot of fish though...

Guppies are ****. They have been bred and mixed so much their now basically worthless in any tank. Way too fragile.
Not sure on your tank size, but if its 100L+ take a look at Dwarf Gouramis, in particular the royal neon variety are very colourful, they are also super chilled fish.
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My latest addition to the new Rio.

Filter cover, background and a nice bit of bogwood that will need to be soaked. Will probably lay substrate, fill and cycle for a few weeks until the water is fine and the bogwood is soaked and all tannins are gone.

Then I will pump out just over a quarter of the water, scape the tank and pump the water back in.should be ok. It's supposed to be a South American river tank. Do you think the background a wood suits that theme OK?

My latest addition to the new Rio.

Filter cover, background and a nice bit of bogwood that will need to be soaked. Will probably lay substrate, fill and cycle for a few weeks until the water is fine and the bogwood is soaked and all tannins are gone.

Then I will pump out just over a quarter of the water, scape the tank and pump the water back in.should be ok. It's supposed to be a South American river tank. Do you think the background a wood suits that theme OK?

A black background i think suits tanks better, it really brings out the fish, make sure the filter cover you have on has no gaps i used to have the same and a 3D background and lost a few fish as they found the smallest gaps that was left and they gone to their deaths getting stuck:(
Looks like we have the same background robfosters.


Saw quite a nice piece of wood today in an arch shape so bought that to go in the tank. Just working through rest of what to get when I'm back from honeymoon. Planning on getting another piece of wood/root for the corner and some stones that match. Then I'll get the substrate and wood washed and placed along with the plants.

Debating whether to use some of the water or wring out the filter from our biorb to assist with cycling.
£80-£90 i have a very old trio3000 atm,but ive neglected the tank,no fish or plants atm,i want to start over again

Do you know the actual volume in litres of the tank? If not, there are many calculators online to work it out. Once you know the volume you can go from there. Ideally, you want to look for a flow rate of at around 5 times the volume.

I.e, if your tank is 125 litres, you would want a flow rate of around 600lph, which would make this a good choice.

Heavily planted tanks will benefit from more flow. Even up to 10X the volume per hour.
Chaps, I've bought myself a biorb 30 life (square tank) used but with everything included.

Just set it up for fish less cycling with heater on at 24c

Just wanted some recommendations on what fish I should start with? I know it's not a mega sized tank but the idea was to have a few fish and maybe a couple of shrimp ?

Any advice much appreciated.
The amout of flow rate will vary depending on your fishes requirements. As a minimum, I'd look for three to four times the flow rate; for something like koi or most cold water fish, I'd want at least double that since they have a high bio load.
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I chose all the equipment for my wifes 'aquarium' and she did all the interior design (thats how it works with us ;-) ).

Got the Eheim Scubaline 240 with a 600l filter and 300w heater. Had it 5 months now and only one dead fish. Will post pictures later.
How long would some aquarium minerals last? The ones I have are several years old, but as they have been kept air tight I just wondered if they could still be considered safe? Probably not, but worth asking. :)

Chucked them away.
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Pics of my setup. Was trimmed on Sunday

10 harlequin rasboras
3 pearl gouramis
2 true siamese algae eater
1 angel
3 bronze corys
1 panda cory
1 abino bronze cory
3 venezuela pygmy cory
2 guppys
1 lyretail swordtail
3 normal swordtails
1 platy

Also some Malaysian trumpet snails and 1 x Nerite snail

240 liter heavy stocked and heavy planted community tank



Towel under the atomizer is to stop vibrations
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how do you manage to grow plants for a length of time,mine would either get eaten or die apart from one species of plant but I don't know what it was called
10 harlequin rasboras
3 pearl gouramis
2 true siamese algae eater
1 angel
3 bronze corys
1 panda cory
1 abino bronze cory
3 venezuela pygmy cory
2 guppys
1 lyretail swordtail
3 normal swordtails
1 platy

Also some Malaysian trumpet snails and 1 x Nerite snail

Nice pics. :)

Providing your system can manage it, I would be inclined to add more platies / guppies since they are shoaling, social fish (possibly the same for angel fish too).
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