Your current Fish tank Setups!

Yeah fleabay or my prefered option - collect your own. Can't beat the feeling of manhandling 30kg of awesome wood miles through a forest, wrestling it into the car then spending an afternoon cleaning it up :p

This is the bit that's now in my tank -


And in the sunshine this morning -


About time I got some pics up. Had this Juwel Vision 180 for around 2 years now. Moved house just under a year ago and had a rearrange, put sand in got some new plants, CO2 and hi-lite lighting.

This pic is about 3 weeks old, so the tank will be about 10 moths older. Need to do some trimming here and there and generally work out what I want to do. The java moss i have pruned a bit as well as the java fern.

Lots of swordtails (ie they are having babies), 8 spotted danios, 8 rainbow danios, 3 bristlenose plecoa, 1 rescued SAE, a rescued tiger barb and a few tetras. 3 Rosies left I think (they hide at the back), 3 phantom tetras and the last remaining neon of 15 (they all died out a while ago, before I got the danios, useless fish). These a rescued shrimp in there as well.

Can anybody recommend a conclusive guide for a beginner wanting to have fish?

I know very, very little but would like to learn

I would head straight to The Skeptical Aquarist, who gives a very well balanced explanation of many aspects of fishkeeping. There isn't a single 'introduction to fishkeeping' article as such, but it's pretty much all well worth reading through at some point, although a lot of it you probably won't need to know immediately.
Where did you acquire that large piece of wood for your tank Spook?

I have the same style tank and I am struggling to find a good sizeable piece of wood to be the focal point of the tank. Everything I've found either in stores or online so far has been far too small and makes the tank look empty.

My LFS (not actually that local) always has good stock of bogwood.
Not much use to you as it's in alfreton/pinxton.
Can you see if there are any other places nearby that you could try ?

one thing I would say though if it looks fresh prepare to have brown water for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaages.

I think mine had just arrived and now 2 years on it has just about got to a level where weekly water changes prevent the tanins from colouring the water too much.

I washed it boiled it, did daily water changes with hot tap water for about 4 weeks and it was still turning my tank brown after 12 months :(
Tank cleaning prices

Serious thread alert... ;)

All this tank talk reminds me of a question I have. I'd love to get a large marine fish tank, potentially in the region of 10ft wide as a "feature wall".

Obviously the cleaning of this would take a long time if I did it myself, and I don't have experience with marine tanks. I know there are some people that provide regular upkeep/cleaning services for fish tanks but have no idea what prices they charge. Anyone use someone like that (at work for example) and what sort of price do they charge?

I'm trying to work out of it'll be exorbitantly expensive and not worth even looking into it seriously or actually quite reasonable....
So yesterday I thought I'd decided on what to use as a main shoal/dither fish (P. simulans) only to pop along to my LFS and once again find they only had 5 left. So they're on trial now (I may still switch to a second pencilfish species).

Spot the 'shoal' ;)

Serious thread alert... ;)

All this tank talk reminds me of a question I have. I'd love to get a large marine fish tank, potentially in the region of 10ft wide as a "feature wall".

Obviously the cleaning of this would take a long time if I did it myself, and I don't have experience with marine tanks. I know there are some people that provide regular upkeep/cleaning services for fish tanks but have no idea what prices they charge. Anyone use someone like that (at work for example) and what sort of price do they charge?

I'm trying to work out of it'll be exorbitantly expensive and not worth even looking into it seriously or actually quite reasonable....

The price of the tank might be ok but buying the proper equipment will cost an arm and a leg + maintaining a tank that size will be fairly expensive with water changes and so on. There is also a lot of time that needs to be dedicated to a marine tank, water testing, dosing, topping up and so on. I would do a lot of reading on some of the marine sites before even thinking about a tank that size.

Possibly start off with something a lot smaller to see how you get on for a year.
Amazon swords are in, as is the coconut cave with java moss attached. A separate, loose patch of java moss has also been added, and is meandering its way around the tank before attaching to something.

Waiting the wood, which is in on its way.
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So we got a aqua one 320 today. 28l came with light/filter and heater.
Bought 5 plants and some gravel.
Think I have messed up already I have left the plants in there pots and submerged them in the tank. Do I need some substrate in the bottom first?

I remember ordering plants and that online about 7 years ago is there still something like that now?
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The price of the tank might be ok but buying the proper equipment will cost an arm and a leg + maintaining a tank that size will be fairly expensive with water changes and so on. There is also a lot of time that needs to be dedicated to a marine tank, water testing, dosing, topping up and so on. I would do a lot of reading on some of the marine sites before even thinking about a tank that size.

Possibly start off with something a lot smaller to see how you get on for a year.

I understand the initial startup cost would be high, at a rough guess I'd say about £10k. The time part is the problem I have, I wouldn't want to spend hours a week cleaning and sorting out the water, which is why I'd be looking to hire someone to do that, leaving me to enjoy the tank, feed the fish and do minor bits and pieces.:)

The point is it would be a feature "wall" in the main living area (put in at the same time as a house renovation) so the cost wouldn't feel as much of an issue in the same way a normal tank would be. It'll be a year or so before I contemplate it seriously anyway, plenty of time to look up marine tank systems and processes (I used to have a tropical tank - I understand marine is much harder).
Is that a gold barb you have there? I was thinking about getting some of those.

Nice selection of fish you have. What size is the tank, 20 gallon / 80 - 100 litre?

My manzanita wood arrived yesterday, and is now in soak. Then, once ready, I will be wrapping some java moss around it.
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My little tank just need to get some more plants as it looks a bit bare

What on earth are Red Eye Tetras and a Gold/Chinese Barb doing in a 19l tank? These species are active and should reach ~7cm SL as adults.

They both need a tank at least 90cm long, but the tetras are mainstream tropical and the barbs are temperate, they should be in separate tanks (temperate one with could probably be run without a heater at all).

Every species in that tank is a social schooler, they should have at least six, ideally 10+ of their own kind... Obviously in a tank far bigger.
Guppy randomly dead this morning. healthy as anything yesterday when i had a sit down with them.... Even dead he looked perfectly healthy (well besides being dead)

Must be all this heat. Water is in perfect condition :/. The guppy was from the first lot of fish though...
Is that a gold barb you have there? I was thinking about getting some of those.

Nice selection of fish you have. What size is the tank, 20 gallon / 80 - 100 litre?

My manzanita wood arrived yesterday, and is now in soak. Then, once ready, I will be wrapping some java moss around it.

It's a 19L Fluval
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