Your current Fish tank Setups!

I recently made 2 revolutionary purchases

1 - a bottle/pipe brush.
Every time I clean my filter out, when I turn it back on it spews loads of crap back in to the tank.
I cleaned all of my pipework with said brush and that problem went away.

2 - a sump pump
I removed the impeller from my slowest filter (Tetratec ex1200) and attached an eheim 1260 to it in line.
Loads more flow in the tank, crystal clear water and the fish have never looked happier, swimming about loads more now

at this moment in time I am waiting for some barbs to turn up from china for the 1260 so it is currently sat inside my tank, my plan is to stick it in the cupboard underneath inline once I have the correct sized barbs to do so.
Hi Spook,

How you getting on with the lid for the reefer? Got mine at the weekend, its all running just waiting to move stock over this weekend.

Loosing about 1L a day to evap at the moment so looking for a lid.
Hey, the lid has warped a little, hopefully it won't bend much further, evaporation reduced by about 90% now, no more condensation on the windows, just on the train to London for a few days so will check exactly how much water I've lost when I get back.
Yeah I saw that too! Congratulations w3bbo, well deserved.

Meanwhile I need one of these in my life.. Currently emailing retailers for a UK stockist.
Well my tanks are changing as per usual, my AquaOak XL has come along nicely in growth on just light + liquid co2 + ferts

My nano has changed entirely with the tree gone and a rock has taken its place


Happy with all the progress so far, Were is everyone elses photos gone ?
quest for a built in / non horrible looking tank stand continues - budget has been signed off by the wife - but the search for something that will fit in with the room is proving much more awkward.

Has anyone used an extruded aluminium frame to support their tank? I'm looking at a 250 - 300L tank, found a few tank installers on youtube that use it so guess its pretty solid...
Charterhouse aquatics have an innovative 20 in stock at £188 not sure if it's the Same tank

They sell the normal looking ones but not the new peninsula one. They did have them on their website as a preorder but not anymore. I sent them an email yesterday, apparently they were due a shipment of them in this week, but it never came and innovative marine have no current plans to send any.

Cheers for looking though.
Spec me some plants please!

Tank currently looks like this:


The floating plant is (not 100% sure, but an educated guess based on Google images :p) floating watersprite, and everything else is Java fern (started off with 5 single leaf plants from ebay a year ago!).

The divers helmet and treasure chest are being replaced shortly (i.e. tomorrow) with some nice chunks of slate to give a bit more "height" to the tank, since a) it's a bit boring and flat at the moment, and b) my pleco has scraped all the paint off them, but I'd also like to add a bit of variety to the plants. I was thinking of some moss on the right around the base of the larger rock structure I'm going to put in, but what other plants would go (and grow) well?

My substrate is just gravel, and i don't really fancy messing with putting soil etc in, so something which doesn't need a "proper" substrate.

I've not been adding any CO2 so far, but I'm thinking of some liquid dosing if anyone can recommend anything for that as well?

Many thanks!
Can help you here

Your light looks like a multi spectrum light from a glance so lighting should not be an issue for now but you want to stick with easy/medium plants for now.
Amazon swords look nice in all aquariums and will grow well
Vallis, Type is up to you but it reaches 45cm+ and is great for background areas and fish love to hide in it
Crypts look nice also and will spread nicely if you have a gap so to speak which needs something but you want plants

Now the co2 route, I wouldn't go there without the proper substrate and higher lighting power. I use it on my nano but i use seachems flourite sand and i have root tabs for my carpet plants. A fairly high powered light and i dose liquid additives also.
High tech is time consuming and trimming is a weekly thing.
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