Your current Fish tank Setups!

got the tank:

and running the filter in the old tank after rinsing the external filter in tank water and agitateing the old filter in front of the external filter's inlet. Will leave that running for a week (while i'm away) then start setting up the new tank :)
Yup, live rock cycling from a cured rock (from lfs).. been running 13 days. Sand is new and has diatoms now the tanks in blackout to avoid an algae outbreak as my nitrate has began to rise indicating im about done (as far as my knowledge on nitrate cycle goes if its same as tropical cycle) Iv tested it and my ammonia dissapears in 24 hours from a food source as i tested it by ghost feeding what i would expect to feed roughly.

Am i about there? I.e is it time for clean up crew and a some softies to go in?
Just keep an eye on the ammonia it can peak a couple of times, i wouldn't worry to much about the algae outbreak perfectly normal on a new setup, what type of skimmer do you use, any pics of the setup love seing new scapes and tanks.
You should keep the light on now as you may find the system reacts to you switching it on again.
Should also test for nitrite, as ammonia turns into that.
13 days may be slightly early imo.
Ill get some photos tomorrow, Its actually a nano (maybe even defined as a pico) I wanted to try something marine without splashing huge cash initially with the longterm view of buying a redsea reefer 170.
Ill switch the light back on tomorrow and do all my testing once again and make sure i am at true 0 on ammonia and nitrite. Nitrite is an odd one in tropical its a worrysome one as your cycles stalled or youve crashed your biolife yet for some reason every guide iv read says ignore it entirely for marine. Is that sensible?

AquaNano 30 (22l)
Fluval 106 mainly for the flow and to house floss and eventually carbon and rowaphos if i need it
Skimmer is a Aquaone Miniskim80 which is already pulling greeny/brown ish gunk out and its quite smelly so thats a good sign!
Heater set to 26
Saltinity at 1.023/1.024 (Refractometer)
Light is just a Evolution aqua cherry marine
No don't ignore nitrite it's deadly.

Do you have an auto top up? With a tank that small evaporation will change your salinity quite quickly.

Full glass lid. Auto top up is planned so I can eventually have no lid though.

Tested theory though. 3 days for it to move from 1.023 to 1.024 swings don't seem so bad
That's actually not too bad at all.

Looking forward to seeing the pictures!


Not much to show yet. But it will get there with time :) Hitchhikers wise iv been lucky and so far spotted nothing bad but one bristle worm i killed

Tests today show levels at 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite and ~20ppm
Skimmer once more full of junk this morning with some visible particles in it too today
Are you using a canister filter there, not really ideal for reefs, will clog up every other day, I wouldn't worry about bristle worms they are good clean up crew.
Are you using a canister filter there, not really ideal for reefs, will clog up every other day, I wouldn't worry about bristle worms they are good clean up crew.
Yes i am, its a fluval 106 but its purely being used for water polishing purposes and chemical media. Its running floss now which iv pulled and replaced already. Aiming to replace floss 2 weekly so it never has a shot of becoming living bio media. Bagged carbon will also be going in and iv got a full spare basket for rowaphos or purigen etc if needed. I know canisters are far from ideal but its overpowered as hell for this 22l. Its rated for 100L so 5x even if it clogs should be fine weekly/2week
Just watch with purigen it can strip you're corals, sps don't seem to like it very much, be careful with an open top tank, I lost a few fish through carpet surfing, I can put you in touch with someone who makes nice mesh lids to fit any tank with cut outs for lighting brackets and feeding hatches.
Picked up some Discus on the weekend at Maidenheads half price fish weekend.

Settling in nicely and have starting finding their pecking order. Doing 25% water changes every couple of days to find a baseline with nitrates.



They seem very happy. They're needy buggers though. 2/3 feeds a day and lots of water changes couple with higher water temps. Need to have a bit of a plant trim and grab some more liquid CO2.
Half price fish you say?

Is that all fish? :D

Yep! We got the 5 discus for £80 which is an alright price. Their discus are a bit pricey to start with. The red Pigeon and red turq were £35 before discount for example. The yellow/red Marlboro were cheaper at £25 pre discount. And the Blue Diamond was £30 IIRC.

There was lots of marine being sold.


Think this weekend it's 25% off Corals and Plants. Unless I heard incorrect.
Ah, last weekend, must be done on an individual store basis as my local didn't have that offer on when I went in for some RO (probably for the best... :p)
Can anyone confirm that this is indeed ich and not something else please before I use the medication I've just received? The pictures online don't seem to be very consistent.


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