Your current Fish tank Setups!

Thing is it's only around feeding time and maybe for an hour after. At other times it's completely calm.

No harm in leaving a small mirror there permanently. Gives it something to take ots agression out on

Another thing to try is little feeds more often rather than 1 or 2 big feeds a day, maybe when you walk past drop a couple of pellets/bit of
Food in every other time or something. All depends how you feel about the fish. If it was one i cared about id try everything i could before giving up and getting rid.
Something I might try is sectioning off part of the bottom with mesh big enough to let the Corys and shrimp in in but not the gourami. Then I can drop the bottom feeder's food in there so they don't get harassed.

The main problem is she will gobble up all the floating food and then move on to everyone elses.
Something I might try is sectioning off part of the bottom with mesh big enough to let the Corys and shrimp in in but not the gourami. Then I can drop the bottom feeder's food in there so they don't get harassed.

The main problem is she will gobble up all the floating food and then move on to everyone elses.

Thats why i said feed more often :)

Ive got a greedy wrasse in my tank and ive learnt to put food in, wait till he's eaten all he can and then add the rest so everyone else can eat
God damn lesson learnt..... So after having my first brand new "all in tank" realised that nothing comes for free and experience in fish keeping in key.

After buying 200ltr tank and using the FLuv 4 bla bla.... tank died quickly, joke! I also didn't wash the sand.... as i thought it was sand!

Anyways bought a much better external filter, spent 4 hours washing gravel sand and installing everything i needed.... 3 weeks on wow, what a difference! Loving how easy it all is now!
tempted to upgrade my eheim classic 250 - its on a 125L tanks with a medium stocking and performs ok but you know, upgrade-itus. Anyhow whats the most filtration you can realistically put on a tank - guessing the Fluval FX4 would probably be too much :D
tempted to upgrade my eheim classic 250 - its on a 125L tanks with a medium stocking and performs ok but you know, upgrade-itus. Anyhow whats the most filtration you can realistically put on a tank - guessing the Fluval FX4 would probably be too much :D

You can never have to much filtration imo, get the wallet out and enjoy :)
tempted to upgrade my eheim classic 250 - its on a 125L tanks with a medium stocking and performs ok but you know, upgrade-itus. Anyhow whats the most filtration you can realistically put on a tank - guessing the Fluval FX4 would probably be too much :D

Pointless upgrade uness you are going to move some equipment out of the thank such as a heater or powerhead. If you really must upgrade look at the Oase Biomaster Thermo range. The 350 has 1000l/hour which plenty for a 125, the 600 has 1250l/hour.

The FX4 has far too much flow its over 20X turnover (2650l/hour) and doesn't have any additional features like a heater.

Don't confuse 'filtration' with flow. Having sufficient filtration means you have enough surface area for enough bacteria to grow to sustain life. You must have this otherwise you'd have dead tank by now. Flow is just water movement in the tank, the two are really not tied together at all.

A high end planted setup aims for 10x turnover of the tank volume per hour, a normal fishtank can go as low as 4x. A lot of fish don't like high flow especially those that are big or have long flowing fins, you really should be matching your equipment to what your keeping rather than just wanting more. More really isn't better in a lot of circumstances.

The only advantage of having a filter with a bigger volume than is actually needed (you really don't need much) is that it becomes a bigger trash can for collecting debris. It doesn't actually get rid of it, it just holds more within the system.

You can never have to much filtration imo, get the wallet out and enjoy :)

Filtration - no. Flow - absolutely. Bigger filters come with more flow so this isn't the best advice and its more than likely a waste of money you could use elsewhere to make fish keeping easier.
Filtration - no. Flow - absolutely. Bigger filters come with more flow so this isn't the best advice and its more than likely a waste of money you could use elsewhere to make fish keeping easier.

You can turn the flow down if that's what's bothering you, i stand by what i said, you can't over filter same as you can't over skim with a skimmer on a saltwater tank.
I know you stand buy it and its true you can't over 'filter'. But literally the only reason to buy a bigger canister filter is to get one with more flow (if its even needed) or a heater built in. If then you turn the flow down (which many don't actually allow) is the definition of a waste of money. Why not invest the money in something else that makes fish keeping easier or something to increase your enjoyment.

E.g. a python water change hose, upgrading the stock lighting so you can grow more challenging plants, some fancy wood and rocks to try aquascaping, CO2 system, 2nd nano tank etc. etc.
God damn lesson learnt..... So after having my first brand new "all in tank" realised that nothing comes for free and experience in fish keeping in key.

After buying 200ltr tank and using the FLuv 4 bla bla.... tank died quickly, joke! I also didn't wash the sand.... as i thought it was sand!

Anyways bought a much better external filter, spent 4 hours washing gravel sand and installing everything i needed.... 3 weeks on wow, what a difference! Loving how easy it all is now!

Yep most internal filters are pretty rubbish, especially ones included in tank kits.

Light too usually. You notice a big difference on plant growth with cheap vs high quality lighting.
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I know you stand buy it and its true you can't over 'filter'. But literally the only reason to buy a bigger canister filter is to get one with more flow (if its even needed) or a heater built in. If then you turn the flow down (which many don't actually allow) is the definition of a waste of money. Why not invest the money in something else that makes fish keeping easier or something to increase your enjoyment.

E.g. a python water change hose, upgrading the stock lighting so you can grow more challenging plants, some fancy wood and rocks to try aquascaping, CO2 system, 2nd nano tank etc. etc.

Bigger canister filter= more biological media and More filtration 2 reasons right there.

Honestly some of your arguments just make me shake my head

As for @Siliconslave the Eheim classic is An absolutely fantastic filter and i would personally recommend it above any other available. If you
Want to upgrade for the reasons i posted then i would be sticking to Eheim and getting the
Next model up. Imo tho it isnt needed unless your struggling with levels or need More flow etc.
Hey guys, we've got an empty Fluval 180 Tank. What pump and filter should we go with, since it has ports for external canister filter does anyone have decent recommendations for the tank?

And is it possible to home a angel fish in the tank maybe with some smaller non aggressive fish?
Hey guys, we've got an empty Fluval 180 Tank. What pump and filter should we go with, since it has ports for external canister filter does anyone have decent recommendations for the tank?

And is it possible to home a angel fish in the tank maybe with some smaller non aggressive fish?

Eheim classic 250.

Never had luck with freshwater angels but good luck to you.
Bigger canister filter= more biological media and More filtration 2 reasons right there.

Honestly some of your arguments just make me shake my head

Why do they make you share your head, its a fairly simple concept to grasp nor have you countered it with anything.

You need X bacteria to grow to support the life in your tank, this is of course dependent of your stocking and how much you feed. In order to support X bacteria you need Y surface area the two are directly related. It doesn't matter how much surface area you have as long as you have at least Y. An appropriately sized canister filter (like the person already has) will have an order of magnitude more volume for media than is actually needed to sustain life, adding another order of magnitude more will not change anything because you still only need the same amount of bacteria. All that happens is you spend money and nothing changes within your system and its ability to sustain the life its holding.

Most people (particularly online) grossly over estimate how much surface area is actually needed. Where you do have an oversized filter you'll gain more enjoyment from dedicating the extra capacity to mechanical filtration so you can get the water as clear as possible.

Unless there is an genuine reason to change it, like its noisy, it leaks, you genuinely need more flow or want to eliminate a heater/power head from main display then there is no point in 'upgrading' an established functioning filter (particularly when its already very high quality). The return on any money spent is practically zero.

As for @Siliconslave the Eheim classic is An absolutely fantastic filter and i would personally recommend it above any other available. If you
Want to upgrade for the reasons i posted then i would be sticking to Eheim and getting the
Next model up. Imo tho it isnt needed unless your struggling with levels or need More flow etc.

I basically said this in the first post I made....

Pointless upgrade uness you are going to move some equipment out of the thank such as a heater or powerhead.

Bigger isn't better once you get to big enough, its just bigger and the additional flow can actually stress fish if its too strong. I just don't understand this constant obsession that now exists on the internet about canister filters and the constant want to upgrade both the filter and the media inside it if what you have is already enough to deal with your tank. There boring, are closed away where you can't see them and add next to nothing to the experience. In all my time fish keeping have I ever seen anyone walk up to a tank, immediately open up the cabinet and go 'oh yeh that's a nice canister...'. Spend your money making your tank look nice like some killer hard scape, or upgrading the stock lights to something decent.
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