60%-70% of the cost is the regulator and its also the most important piece. Bubble counters and diffuses are peanuts in comparison. The regulator is taking highly pressurised gas down to an safe (adjustable) working pressure followed by a valve that takes the flow down to a trickle being let out of the bottle.
I'd say go and buy a cheap one off Ali Express but if that thing lets go in your house it will be a bad time, seriously. Also cheap regulators are not dual stage, single stage regulators often suffer from releasing all the remaining gas in the tank when the pressure gets too low and will kill all your fish (often refereed to as 'end of tank dump'). A cheap regulator on ebay etc. will not be dual stage even if it says so in the description.
Buy cheap, buy twice. I guess comparisons can be drawn with buying a quality PSU for your PC.