Your current Fish tank Setups!

Lost my betta yesterday and no idea why, he was swimming around as normal and within an hour was gone. No signs of infection, dropsy or anything else. Water levels are normal and the neons, Cory's and shrimp all seem fine.
Had a bit of a trim today in the tank and the god damn shrimp wouldn't leave me alone!
Used to have that trouble with cleaner shrimp, didn't expect it from fresh water shrimp, they were even jumping on the end of the scissors.



Amano shrimp do that as well, they can pinch quite hard for their size :)
Any ideas if I have room in my tank for anything else.

It's a 55l planted, current stock is cherry shrimp, amano shrimp, nerite snails and 10 green neons.
Is there room for anything else, would like 1 centre piece fish.

Edit - Can I get some suggestions on food for my tetras, feeding them crushed up flakes, which they're starting to go for now, but wouldn't say they were too excited about it.
I tried Hikari Vibra Bites on recommendation, but they seem to thick for them to actually eat.
Did a through clean yesterday, got all the algae off with a blade, took everything out and gave the gravel a good cleaning and installed a heater. Fish seem a lot more active now, temps were dipping below 20C and the Platy were sulking at the bottom.

Tried frozen food for the first time today. It makes a BIG mess, even using little bits at a time. Fish seem to like it though.

I've been throwing a frozen cube into the return section of the sump. And then a few mins later it starts shooting out of the return and the frenzy starts.
I believe so, I see eggs getting laid and stuck all over my tank in amongst the rocks etc I have. It's a community tank so maybe it's that but it's only a few neon tetra and 2 Cory's and a zebra snail. Shrimp are far more active since the betta died the other week.

Could try the ro water I guess
Hi all

I am closing my tank down and wanted to give all my corals and fish to someone else who might want them.
Its about 18 corals of medium to small size and big one. Yellow tang, purple tang of medium size and one picasso clownfish medium size.

2 x sexy shrimp and 1 fire shrimp

I want them to go to someone who has experience with marine fish and someone who has a quarantine tank.

I have someone who is interested in the whole lot but i need these gone ASAP and if they dont get back to me tonight then i would rather
someone else pick them up this week. You would have to come pick these up from central london area and you will have to catch the fish.

There is also 25kg of live rock.

everything is for free only if you have experience with marine tanks and have quarantine tank ready. The fish have no illness because i treated them prophylactic but have lost their natural immunity to illness. I would advise a someone who has a quarantine procedure in place for adding fish to take them, ie you have quarantines everything you add to your tank. These fish are drag and drop basically into such a tank.

message me here.

you should have a minimum 5ft tank for the tangs, I want them to go to a good home
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