Your current Fish tank Setups!

Massive water change and gravel vac would be how I went...

Do this now or you’ll be in for a while world of hurt in a few hours.

You may need to fill and drain a few times to get it all.

The un-eaten food will just turn into a huge ammonia spike.

I would test twice a day for a few days to make sure what was eaten or anything you missed during the water changes doesn’t cause any problems.
This is my fresh water planted, I had to rebuild it 4 weeks ago due to a massive algae outbreak its not all grow back yet, but is looking much better now


tanks gone foggy been like this for 3 weeks lost two fish at the beginning, only thing i did different was try some new food for the corys for about 10 days have ceased that stopped all feeding for 4 days, now just feeding once a day stuck too regular 30 litre water change per week. i did a bigger than normal one at the start of this test looks okay should i wait it out or do more water changes daily ?


White/grey cloudy water is normally bacterial bloom, normally happens when you have an ammonia/nitrite spike.

I’d increase water changes to daily and it should pass.

PH looks low, like below 6 and nitrates below 5, are those tests correct and in date?

Are you using pure RO water? That’s the only way I can think of getting such low readings in this country. Using water with basically zero hardness is really unstable, you can easily crash the PH and the biological filter.
White/grey cloudy water is normally bacterial bloom, normally happens when you have an ammonia/nitrite spike.

I’d increase water changes to daily and it should pass.

PH looks low, like below 6 and nitrates below 5, are those tests correct and in date?

Are you using pure RO water? That’s the only way I can think of getting such low readings in this country. Using water with basically zero hardness is really unstable, you can easily crash the PH and the biological filter.

yeah use by date 11/2020 have just tested the water out of the tap and its coming back as 6.6 blueish color only it's never been dark blue in the 7.2+ range here no ro water could the sand and bog wood be dropping the ph ?.
Yes but not by that much and you’d need loads of it, you don’t look like you have much.

I think what I said above still stands, it looks like bacterial bloom, change lots of water (50%) regularly and keep an eye on the ammonia/nitrite.

It’s a little concerning it’s still happening after 3 weeks. I’d suggest cutting the feeding right back. I don’t feed by fish daily, let alone multiple times a day. How much do you feed and how often?

Are you sure you aren’t over feeding? That’s a classic way to cause an ammonia spike and bacterial bloom.

I doubt we will ever know what caused it but I hope we can give you some tips to get back on track.
Id change 75% water daily. Its possible something on the bog wood. May be worth taking it out and boiling it. If large waterchanges dont sort it quickly.

Another thing to try is carbon
normally twice per day before the bloom the tetra mini granualls i was using might be the culprit i did put a fair bit it in as the other fish were allover it before it hit the bottom.

right now i'm putting a pinch of flake in per day and some 2-3 sinking small wafers for the corys but i'll cut back some more. think i have some carbon or unused purigen i could fit that in the surface skimmer cant fit it in the fluval u3 though.
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Always preferred pellets to flakes, flakes make a big mess and end up going in to the filter :/

How often are you cleaning the filter and how are you doing it? (and what kind of filter is it?)
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Sounds like way too much food. How big is the tank and how many fish?

I rarely if ever target feed my corys, they are scavengers and are more than happy to pick up any tiny morels of food that get past the rest.

I don’t have any issues with flake, I don’t let it sit on top I drop the pinch below the water line so it spreads throughout the tank. At the moment I’m using Fluval big bites micro, it’s a slow sinking pellet, all the fish go nuts for it including corys.
it's a fluval 125 about 18 fish in total , some corys , rosy tetras, glowlight tetras and a golden gourami, i was using sinking tetra tabimin fish food too big though and disintegrates quickly use too end up all over the plants and encourage brown algae.
I try to avoid all of those sorts of things, way to big and full of rubbish filler. Based on what you have a micro or small slow sinking pellet will suit all.

I’ve had most on the market over the years, Fluval bug bites micro goes down well here (regular will be too big), hikari do a micro which is good, Terra and fish science are also fine. There just the ones I can think of off the top of my head, I’m sure others will do make recommendations.

The other trick is to always buy in small volumes, like a box of breakfast cereal, fish food goes stale after a couple of months.

Either way I think we’ve solved it, keep up the water changes and testing until it’s sorted itself out.
So it appears as if all my shrimp have suddenly and miraculously up and vanished like a fart in the wind... busily running around my tank one day and just gone the next while I had mostly greyish looking (cherry shrimp) ones that are fairly hard to spot and a few jet black ones that really stood out, there's no remains visible anywhere. They don't appear to be hiding, I've moved decorations about looked through the few little plants I have and have checked the filter. I've even had the missus check the back of the tank to see if they've escaped and nothing. My water levels are normal for me, all my other fish and snails seem happy as ever and this has literally happened over night. They're in with 9 Neon Tetra, 2 Cory Catfish and 2 zebra snails so can't see them being eaten suddenly.

Any ideas? Have anyone else's shrimp just vanished suddenly?
i was pretty convinced I was down to 2 shrimp for the last 6 months or so. Had some shrimp shells where they'd shed so figured they'd been munched before their new exoskeleton hardened.

Just the other day however they all appeared at once so seems they are all alive.

Totally depends on how much cover they have, although they can get about quickly.
We had a 57 litre tank for Christmas with 2 dwarf gourami and 3 corydora. The one gourami seems to have grown a little and keeps chasing the other gourami.

The other gourami this morning was on the bottom of the tank on its side breathing heavily. It's got up since but still breathing heavily. I take it it's because of the other attacking it.

Anything we can do or is it too late?
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