Could use a bit of help, been posting this around the place.
I have a 55l planted tank. An AquaOne Aqua Nano 40 with all the stock equiptment.
The current stock:
10 Green Neon Tetras
3 Amano Shrimp
An army of Cherry Red Shrimp
2 Nerite snails
The tanks been setup for just 6 months, fish have been in there for 4.
My problem is that the tetras seem to spend all of their time hiding, I don't have a big tank, but because of the wood and the plants, I can't even tell how many are alive in there.
There's 1 or 2 big boys who appear from time to time and hang around the front of the wood, but they seem to chase off anyone else who comes forward.
The same thing happens at feeding time, there will be a mad dash for food, but the head honcho chases anyone who comes out.
Its been like this for the last month, before they were all out in front, but very skitterish when anyone came near the tank.
I do 20l water changes everyweek. RO water which I reminerlise with Salty Shrimp GH/KH.
I tested my water today before my water change.
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 10
PH = 6.4
Nitrate is normally lower, but due to illness, I wasn't able to do a water change last week.
Are there any ideas on what I can do to bring my tetras out?