Your current Fish tank Setups!

I didn't know they prefer cooler waters. I have a plug on thermostat that stick in the water inside the tank. I keep the temp plum in the green zone so 23 or so. Should I try lowering a little? I have to make sure the other fishes are ok too. I only have guppies and 2 Otto's now. Stockwise little low so going to get some cardinals :)

Off the top of my head, I'm not sure how low you could set the thermostat on the heater and not upset the Otos, I suspect the Guppies would tolerate lower temps.

That being said, the tank will only get as cool as the room. With heat given off by lighting and/or filters, you might well find the water won't drop lower than approx 20C.

I have a few tanks running indoors with no heaters, most contain fish regarded as "tropical" but their water temp changes with the seasons and the ambient room temp, typically 18-30C. Only my garage tank has a heater running through the winter months for my subtropical livebearers, to keep the water above approx 16C. It stops the fishes' metabolism being in permanent hyperdrive, shortening their lifespan and saving me a fortune on electric bills I simply couldn't afford.
I didn't know they prefer cooler waters. I have a plug on thermostat that stick in the water inside the tank. I keep the temp plum in the green zone so 23 or so. Should I try lowering a little? I have to make sure the other fishes are ok too. I only have guppies and 2 Otto's now. Stockwise little low so going to get some cardinals :)

After the lockdown thinking to upgrade my 100l tank to to 180l and remove my medium/small sized gravel substrate to small finer gravel. Can't decide whether I should get Fluval 180 Vincena or Juwel 180 Vision. Both tank are the same size wise but fluval have their custom holes for the pipes at the bottom which is concerning If things went wrong. Build quality about the same right?

Really the markers on that thermostat aren't all that accurate. I'd recommend getting a cheap digital thermometer to stick on the side of the tank so you can see what is really going on (it'll also give you warning if your heater breaks and boils the tank)
lol I wouldn’t mind the cost so much if I could keep the sps alive!

Yeah your not wrong there lol, can have better success if stop away from wild farmed and use home cultured ones and hopefully having a bigger tank gives me more stability and can build up a nice reef that will last me many many years,.
Managed to get hold of a pair of rossmont Flow pumps at a good price for the new build, shame the company went under but very good pumps for the price, will still be using my MP40 on the other side so got some serious flow going on on the new build, bigger skimmer next purchase :)
First batch of gear for the new build, still going to use Ecotech mp40 as my main flow these are just extra for the back corners, good price on them since the company
Rossmont are now no longer trading :(

Hi there

OK think I mentioned sometime ago I was planning on getting a fish tank, well I did so a couple of months back:

fish4.jpg fish2.jpg

The details are:
Juwel 190
Pump upgraded to the 1000 ecoflow from the 600
Also added the surface skimmer as well
Also added a large sponge filter (temporary whilst tank cycles, will be replaced with a smaller item or just an air stone.
Live plants
Current stock is 6x Molly and 3x Platy fish.

The tank was setup to cycle fishless, water added, some food for a week, then living plants, then a few days later we visited Abyss in Stockport who adviced we could skip cycling with a bottle of bacteria, I was rather doubtful but they gave a good sales pitch, so the stock above was added.

I did then run into Ammonia and Nitrite issues, using Seachem Prime and Stability has helped along with daily water changes, then a week ago someone local gave me their used filter material, since putting this in my ammonia and nitrite are now zero.

My water parameters are:
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 10-20ppm
PH: 7.2-7.4
Temp: 25-26c

A fish in cycle has been tough work and though I feared I might lose one of the Dalmation Mollies as they looked sad/stressed but did continue feeding, now all the fish are looking very happy, active and love their food so hoping no causalities.

These fish have been in the tank around a month now, I am gonna give it another 1-2 weeks before adding additional stock and this week I plan on adding more live plants.

My question is, what other types of fish can I safely add that are compatible with my current stocking and water parameters and quite hardy please? I would like at least 1-2 larger fish, that of course won't eat current stocking or anything smaller I may get.

I did consider Dwarf Gurami but reports online seem to suggest they are not that hardy and can die quite easily. Also looked at Tetras like Neon, Lemon and/or Diamond. would have loved a red tail shark but I know thats a no no as they do get aggressive when bigger and my Mrs says a big no to Silver Dollars as of course they will eat all the plants. :D

So any ideas or recommendations please, I also don't want to overstock the tank, its 190l with 9 small fish at present, so I guess if I want to keep it lightly stocked then maybe another 10 fish or so max, I also don't want anything that grows massive as though I do have plans for another 400-600l tank that may not happen for several months yet.
Hi there

OK think I mentioned sometime ago I was planning on getting a fish tank, well I did so a couple of months back:

fish4.jpg fish2.jpg

The details are:
Juwel 190
Pump upgraded to the 1000 ecoflow from the 600
Also added the surface skimmer as well
Also added a large sponge filter (temporary whilst tank cycles, will be replaced with a smaller item or just an air stone.
Live plants
Current stock is 6x Molly and 3x Platy fish.

The tank was setup to cycle fishless, water added, some food for a week, then living plants, then a few days later we visited Abyss in Stockport who adviced we could skip cycling with a bottle of bacteria, I was rather doubtful but they gave a good sales pitch, so the stock above was added.

I did then run into Ammonia and Nitrite issues, using Seachem Prime and Stability has helped along with daily water changes, then a week ago someone local gave me their used filter material, since putting this in my ammonia and nitrite are now zero.

My water parameters are:
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 10-20ppm
PH: 7.2-7.4
Temp: 25-26c

A fish in cycle has been tough work and though I feared I might lose one of the Dalmation Mollies as they looked sad/stressed but did continue feeding, now all the fish are looking very happy, active and love their food so hoping no causalities.

These fish have been in the tank around a month now, I am gonna give it another 1-2 weeks before adding additional stock and this week I plan on adding more live plants.

My question is, what other types of fish can I safely add that are compatible with my current stocking and water parameters and quite hardy please? I would like at least 1-2 larger fish, that of course won't eat current stocking or anything smaller I may get.

I did consider Dwarf Gurami but reports online seem to suggest they are not that hardy and can die quite easily. Also looked at Tetras like Neon, Lemon and/or Diamond. would have loved a red tail shark but I know thats a no no as they do get aggressive when bigger and my Mrs says a big no to Silver Dollars as of course they will eat all the plants. :D

So any ideas or recommendations please, I also don't want to overstock the tank, its 190l with 9 small fish at present, so I guess if I want to keep it lightly stocked then maybe another 10 fish or so max, I also don't want anything that grows massive as though I do have plans for another 400-600l tank that may not happen for several months yet.

Did you buy a mix of male and female platies and mollies? There will be 100s soon.
@Gibbo you’d be right to avoid those dwarf guarmi, they aren’t very hardly these days.

Id be tempted to get something that will keep the molly/platy population under control and something to go into the bottom.

It doesn’t matter if you want babies or not, if you have any females, you will have them but other fish will snack on most of them, including the other mollys/plates.

Perhaps some angel fish or some larger tetras would go nice?
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