Your current Fish tank Setups!

just got some snakeheads for one of my tanks, channa pulchra dwarf snakehead :)

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Got itchy shopping finger and bought an Interpet River reef 94 litre, with cabinet and a background for ...................

wait for it.............................

£159.99 brand new!
Hi new to this thread, got myself a new little goldfish, he seems a bit worried not settled at the mo, he has a little food there if he needs. Got him today with a starter setup for £10 had bowl, plant, shreddie(the goldfish), gravel and de-chlorinator or something like that. Was a suprise from my girlfriend but we had been talking of getting fish before, this has spurred me on to get more and possibly tropical fish, but i will leave it a while before i do so and see how i get on with shreddie.

For anyone confused i named him shreddie.
Not really, I saw the goldfish food and it looked like shreds of paper and I thought it was fitting.
Just got this set up the other week and I am now half way through a fishless cycle! Ammonia finally dropped to 0 today, so now its waiting for nitrite to go down!





It's only a small 48l set up, but I hope to get a trio of of honey gouramis or a pair of dwarf gouramis as the main fish. Really want some Corydoras (Pygmy, Panda, Peppered or Bronze) but it may be too small and will require a substrate change :(
I spent over 4 hours doing my first big clean out the other night, I had a massive problem with snails, they must have come with the plants I got. I got at least 80 of them out with the net over the period of a couple of weeks, and I found a massive load of eggs hidden behind the filter, and literally hundreds of babies hidden in the gravel, it was like and ants nest :( So moved fish to a bucket and washed out all the gravel and the filter and the oranments and the plants, put everything back and two days later I've only seen 3 snails so far which were quickly removed, so hopefully that's the last I'll see of them now.

I have 6 dalmation mollies and 6 neon tetra's, also 3 little algae eathing suckers. Think I'll get some more fish in a few weeks time now that the tank has settled down a bit. I've only had it 6-8 weeks so still pretty new to it all :)
Snails are a pain. A couple of Zebra loaches sorted my snail problem in the old tank.

Same solution for me, a few weeks later I was snail free.

I think I got mine from the plants in pet smart (or whatever its called now)
Mine came from a plant I got from a mate ... which probably came from Petsmart. Then they started breeding on the Java Fern.

The new big tank has mercifully been free of snails for the couple of years I've had it. Either that or the Yo-Yos crunched through the couple hiding away. :D
I got mine from a local garden centre which has an aquatics shop inside. I'll be making sure that the same doesn't happen again though, what a pain!

Also, the day before yesterday, one of the male Mollies was chaing round a female for hours with his fin right up, is this them mating lol?
Hi again, just got a question, Shreddie (goldfish) doesn't seem to be eating any food and just keeping near the plant and doesn't move. Do you think he is lonely? or is he just settling? He is only in a small goldfish bowl would he need something better?
Out of curiosity, how often do you all clean your tanks? When I did have fish I used to clean out every 3 weeks. All be it a small setup but still annoying.
Out of curiosity, how often do you all clean your tanks? When I did have fish I used to clean out every 3 weeks. All be it a small setup but still annoying.

Ideally I will do a water change every two weeks, clean the filter pads every 6 weeks.
Hi again, just got a question, Shreddie (goldfish) doesn't seem to be eating any food and just keeping near the plant and doesn't move. Do you think he is lonely? or is he just settling? He is only in a small goldfish bowl would he need something better?

Goldfish actually need really large tanks :(

Out of curiosity, how often do you all clean your tanks? When I did have fish I used to clean out every 3 weeks. All be it a small setup but still annoying.

I change 20% of water every couple of days with a gravel syphon.
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