Your current Fish tank Setups!

You may kmow this, but make sure the levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are acceptable before adding any fish (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 5 - 20 nitrate). If it needs another week or more to attain these levels then do it, otherwise the poor fishies will suffer. :)

I have all the testing kit :) Got my fish a few days ago, they've settled in nicely!


Total cost to me: £60, bargain :) Well pleased with it, will be adding more fish in good time.
lol, angels eat neons in the wild. as a general rule if a fish can fit another fish in it's mouth it's only a matter of time :D

I just thought because the angels were babies when I introduced them to the tank then they wouldn't eat anything...... but I was wrong :(. It was the most expensive meal they are ever going to have. Im keeping them on fish flakes now with no brine shrimp treats!!!!
It was unpopulated but had been treated with with the bacterial culture and the stuff that kickstarts the filter.

This changes nothing, what were they testing for?

There would be no ammonia, no nitrates, or nitrites (unless they were already present in your water supply) as there was nothing to provide them. So, any water sample would come up rosy. In fact, too rosy. Anyone with any knowledge would expect to see 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, low ppm trace of nitrate to prove a cycled tank.

Don't get me wrong, I am not one of these people who thinks everyone should fishless cycle, but you need to know that currently that tank will be in the beginnings of a fish-in cycle. So you will need a test kit, and at least daily water changes of significant volume (50% is probably a good starting point) untill you get readings like the above.
Have a nano marine tank (40l), and have a Flameback Angelfish (Sally) a Percula Clownfish (Fred) and two blue legged hermit crabs (Clive and Shelby)



I would find out, otherwise you will end up with a bacterial bloom, milky water and dead fish in quick succession!

Just trying to help :)

I appreciate the help, it's just difficult because the family have all been round there at different times helping out with different things! The fish have been in there about a week now and are doing fine. I know the water had a lot of preparation, but I wasn't the one doing it. I'm fairly certain that ammonia was added to the water for about a week before the fish arrived.
I appreciate the help, it's just difficult because the family have all been round there at different times helping out with different things! The fish have been in there about a week now and are doing fine. I know the water had a lot of preparation, but I wasn't the one doing it. I'm fairly certain that ammonia was added to the water for about a week before the fish arrived.

the cycle takes about 3-4 weeks.
Right Back in 2008 I started This Thread and now nearly three and a half years later I'm back with my tank all up and running.

Had a dodgy start by not keeping on top of the filter bacteria (there was not enough) and the Nitrates/Nitrites went off the scale and most of the fish died :( But lesson learned and time to start a fresh!

The Tank has been running for about 6 months now and I have just about finished stocking it:-

4x Neon Tetra
2x Emperor Tetra (So the shop said) were mixed with the Neons and did not see much point removing them when I bought them.
1x Sucking Loach one of the original stocking back in 2008, Tank is nice and clean though.
1x Leopard Angel (Very Small for an Angel)
1x Generic Angel
3x Wagtail Platys

All Plants are Fake as the BiOrb takes a lot of modifying to be able to have normal plant in it :(







Apologies for the poor pictures my phone is not up to much when trying to take images through 1/4inch thick acrylic!!
My current 125L tank


8 x Cardinal Tetra
3 x Cories
2 x Otto's
1 x Bristlenose catfish

Lost nearly all my fish due to a CO2 accident nearly a year ago, I've been slowly repopulating while sorting out my algae problems.
You need to rehome the angels as they like a tank 18" tall


Even allowing for the internal space to be smaller its still looking more like 16" tall. This tank for me is a learning experience, and as its at the kids house I don't have much say or control over it unfortunately :(

Even allowing for the internal space to be smaller its still looking more like 16" tall. This tank for me is a learning experience, and as its at the kids house I don't have much say or control over it unfortunately :(

that's a shame you don't have much control over it. The angels really need at least a 3ft - 4ft tank. I have 5 of them in my 55 gallon and 3 of them are quite big and they are not even fully grown yet.
The rest of the stocking is ok though so if u do get a chance take the angels back.
Fish keeping is a learning experience and sometimes we learn the hard way
Ever since I started fish keeping I wanted a marine tank with Seahorses and, well I've finally got it setup.

Here is the tank after the Lr, sand and water went in, it's a River/Reef 94Ltr with 10kg of live rock and live sand

Here it is after it had cycled, with some algae, cuc and a Firefish

Here is the finshed tank

And the Seahorses, Hippocampus Kuda.



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